Bike racing

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[First of all HAPPY ARMY DAY EVERYONE!!!😄😄 and thanks for 7k+ views. I purple you guys so much and if you are from India then be careful and don't go out without wearing mask cause monkey pox is welcomed in India.]

Ji-hoon: Y/N WHAT!!???

Namjoon: we are finding her for hours but we can't find her.

Ji-hoon: look guys calm down she must be with her friends

Taehyung: hyung her friend's are not answering either

Ji-hoon: okay calm down and tell me what actually happened? Yoongi you were here right so did you talk to her?

Yoongi: yeah I met are last in evening as i didn't saw her so I went to check on her but found her in terrace and she went their through window.

Hoseok: after that

Yoongi: I want have a talk with her and told her why we lied to her and she left saying she needs time. After hours I went to call her for dinner but she wasn't their and her room was messed up so I checked CCTV and found out that she wasn't kidnapped instead she climbed down herself.

Ji-hoon: wait wait did you saw bag with her?

Yoongi nodded.

Jin: what's with bag?

Ji-hoon: guys listen called down she is alright nothing happened to her.

Jimin: hyung she is missing and you're telling us to calm down!!

Ji-hoon: I know where she would be.

Taehyung: wher-

Before he asks his phone rang. He looked at the id and it was jungkook. He answered the call

*on call*
Taehyung: hello koo-

Jungkook: hyung why y/n is here at this late??!!

Taehyung: where and are you there with her?

Jungkook: it's a place where everyone stunts in bike and y/n is here

Taehyung: the hell!!! Keep eyes on her we are coming

Jungkook: yeah I'm sending you the location

Taehyung: okay

*call ended*

They all looked at him for answer as he spoke.

Taehyung: found her

Yoongi: where is she??

Taehyung: She went for-

Ji-hoon: bike stunts and racing right

Jin: What you knew!!??

Ji-hoon nodded.

Ji-hoon: yeah that's why she left like that cause if yoongi saw her he would have asked so many questions.

Jimin: I'm going to her

Ji-hoon: wait I'm also coming

He said as they all went outside. They were about to open the car door when ji-hoon stopped them.

Ji-hoon: wait we can't go their with cars

Hoseok: what do you mean?

Ji-hoon: I mean it's not allowed their. We can only take bikes.

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