Chapter 4: Anguish and Redemption

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While talking to Jin, a scream suddenly echoed through the hall. Instantly, everyone turned to see where the sound was coming from. My eyes widened as I spotted my sister standing in front of a girl, gripping her hair tightly. It was clear she was furious. Who had provoked her this time? I quickly stood up and attempted to approach her, but she caught sight of me and pointed her finger directly at me.

Y/n: Don't you even think about coming any closer.

She warned, tightening her grip on the girl's hair. Nervously, I spoke up

Ji-hoon: Y/n, please listen. I promise I won't do anything to harm anyone.

Y/n: Well, what if I don't want to trust you?

I knew it would be difficult to handle her at this moment, as her mind seemed to be playing tricks on her. She believed that everyone around her was plotting against her, and her anger stemmed from that thought. It frustrated me when our minds spiraled out of control.

Ji-hoon: Alright, then don't trust me. But please, don't hurt anyone for me!

I pleaded, hoping she would reconsider. She smirked in response, pulling the girl back onto her chair by her hair and delivering a punch to her face. Gasps escaped from everyone witnessing her actions.

I couldn't think of any other way to calm her down than making her unconscious. That's the only suggestion doctors had given, because no one knows what her mind might drive her to do next.

Taking a chance, I approached her with the injection ready. Before she had time to react, I gently injected it into her neck. In that moment, her body tensed up and she turned to look at me with teary eyes. Gradually, her eyes closed and her body started to slump. Luckily, I caught her just in time, embracing her tightly.

Kim witnessed what happened and they were extremely shocked. They didn't know how to react, but eventually, they all gathered around Ji-hoon to check on the girl who had been punched on her nose.

Jin: Yoongi, please call an ambulance.

Yoongi: Okay.

Then Yoongi approached Ji-hoon.

Jin: Ji-hoon, let's take her to our private room.

Ji-hoon nodded in response.

Jin: Let's go.

As they walked into the room, their eyes landed on you, still unconscious, lying on the couch. Ji-hoon sat beside you, gently caressing your hair.

Taehyung: What just happened?

Taehyung asked, clearly confused.

Jin: Ji-hoon, what did you inject her with?

Jin asked, as he couldn't make sense of the situation.

Ji-hoon: I understand that you must have many thoughts and questions right now, but I can only ask you to stay away from her when she's angry.

Jungkook: But I saw her taking some kind of medicine too.

Ji-hoon: It's best not to mention that in front of her. The medication she takes helps keep her calm.

Hoseok: Hey, I wonder when she'll wake up?

Ji-hoon: Perhaps right about now... it's been more than 10 minutes.

Ji-hoon grabbed a glass of water and gently sprinkled it on your face. And guess what? Your eyes gradually opened while you held onto your hair tightly.

I blinked my eyes open, slowly adjusting to the soft light that pierced through the darkness surrounding me. The moment I became aware of my surroundings, a pounding headache welcomed me. Instinctively, I clutched my hair with both hands, hoping to alleviate some of the agony. It felt as if someone was relentlessly tearing my head apart, over and over again. My eyes scanned the room, taking in the sight of my brother and my so-called step brothers.

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