Chapter 7: The Wedding Intrigue

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I groggily opened my eyes, yawning loudly because I could tell it was way too early for my liking. The lack of sunlight streaming through the window confirmed my suspicions.

Glancing at my phone, I saw the time was a criminal 6 am. Who on earth decides this is an acceptable time to be functional? I threw my phone to the side in protest, trying to go back to sleep when I was rudely interrupted by a knock at the door.

Sighing, I reluctantly got out of bed and slipped on my flip flops, shuffling towards the door. To my surprise, I found my brother standing there with a mischievous grin and a head full of tousled hair that resembled a tangled bush.

Before I could even process what was happening, he cheerfully announced, “Good morning, lazy bird! Guess what? Mom is getting married today!” I shot him an annoyed look, retorting, “Before you start calling me lazy bird, take a gander at your own nest.” I pointed at his unruly hair, looking like it had gone through a tornado.

"I stumbled in the store room while searching for something, and on my way to my room, I thought I'd stop by and wake you up," he explained, as I nodded in understanding, realising I had seen the spider web earlier. "Make sure to wear something comfortable, we'll be changing at the venue since there are plenty of empty rooms,” he added before walking towards his room. I watched as he brushed the dirt out of his hair before heading inside my own room. I quickly decided to take a shower to stay awake, putting on a white crop top hoodie and matching baggy pants before heading downstairs.

As I looked around the empty living and dining area, I couldn't find a single family member, only workers and guards. I was about to ask the housekeeper when a message popped up on my phone, notifying me to check it.

Ji-hoon— Y/n, I've got some business to attend to with Jin so I've already left with mom!

Y/n— Alright, I'll be there then.

Ji-hoon— Have your breakfast first.

Y/n— I did!

Ji-hoon— And I am on the jupiter!

I rolled my eyes. Seriously, how does he always catch me in my little white lies? Must be those pesky spies he has following me around.

Y/n— Fine, I didn't.

Ji-hoon— Okay, someone will be picking you up. So eat your breakfast and be ready, no excuses.

I glared at his message before begrudgingly shuffling to the dining table. A worker appeared and served me some toast and apple juice. I eyed the meal for a moment before giving in and devouring it.

After finishing my breakfast, I strutted into the living room, only to find it already past seven with no sign of anyone coming to fetch me. I let out a sigh, feeling surprisingly at ease as I flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. Quickly flicking through the channels, I realised that none of the shows piqued my interest - it's like God is personally out to get me and ruin my TV time every day.

With a shrug, I set the remote down and found myself drawn into the middle of a Hollywood movie: "Ghostbusters." Well, at least something worth watching, right?

Jungkook Pov

As I gazed at the door of the Lee mansion, I couldn't help but wonder why on earth I had agreed to be there. But when Ji-hoon called and asked me to pick up his feisty little sister, I couldn't say no. I mean, what if I had declined? I would have been lounging around in peace.

I let out a sigh and pressed the doorbell, and a voice from inside inquired, "How can I assist you, Mr...?" I shot a look at the speaker and replied, "I'm Jungkook, here to fetch Y/n. Sent by Ji-hoon." After a moment of silence, the voice returned, "Please wait a moment while we verify." I rolled my eyes and tapped my foot impatiently as I waited.

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