Chapter 6: The Wedding Dilemma

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Jin: Are you certain?

Jin's tone carried traces of anger. Jungkook looked at him, his eyes showing signs of inner turmoil as he recalled the events of today. He spoke up hesitantly.

Jungkook: Y-yes, I am sure.

Y/n's Pov

As everyone directed their attention towards Jungkook, who was being looked at like a stray dog intruding in someone else's territory. While I don't mean to compare them to dogs, the situation seemed fitting.

I had no clue what Jungkook had done, but I couldn't help but feel relieved that everyone seemed to have forgotten about the incident with my bruised neck. The anger still lingering inside me made me wish I could just snap his neck for putting me in such a distressing situation.

Lost in my thoughts, Namjoon's voice pulled me back to reality.

Namjoon: Were you with him? Do you know what happened?

I shook my head, my fingers absentmindedly toying with the spoon.

Y/n: He didn't do anything, he was with me the whole time.

I gave a small nod before resuming my meal, only to be interrupted by my caring brother.

Ji-hoon: y/n, can you take a break from eating? Jin needs our attention.

I let out a sigh and shot him a sarcastic smile before reluctantly setting down my spoon. Yoongi then chimed in,

Suga: Just let her eat, bro. She's really hungry.

Upon hearing his words, I quickly picked up my spoon and continued eating as if nothing was wrong. Why should I have to stop just because everyone else is arguing?

Taehyung: Alright, Jungkook. What did you do this time?

Taehyung's tone was stern, but I couldn't help but find the situation amusing. I was actually enjoying the drama unfolding.

Jin: Let me explain. Jungkook got into a fight with a guy, and now he's in the hospital. I have no idea how to deal with all of this-

I couldn't help but choke when Jin mentioned the fight. It was the last thing I wanted to hear at that moment.

Suga gently patted my back and handed me a glass of water to help me calm down.

As I tried to compose myself, Hoseok spoke up with concern in his voice.

Hoseok: I know you're hungry, but please eat slowly so you don't choke again.

Y/n: I'm okay.

I assured him, watching as their father took a call and left with my mother.

Everyone's attention turned to Jungkook, who was calmly eating as if nothing had happened. It's okay though, this is something I need to handle on my own. My life is a bit challenging right now.

Jin: Jungkook, I asked you a question!

Jin raised his voice this time, while Jimin tapped on the table and gave Jungkook a look that clearly said 'just tell us already before we have to intervene.'

Jimin: Jungkook, can you please explain why you did that?

Jungkook POV
When Jin hyung started explaining, I instantly knew who and what he was referring to, and I was relieved it had nothing to do with me. I just kept eating my food, but the question lingered in the air. I glanced at y/n, who remained silent, making me think, 'Looks like I won't be getting into any trouble with her.'

I gestured towards y/n with my spoon and said,

Jungkook: Ask her, she knows all about it.

She rolled her eyes at me, silently communicating, "I'll deal with you later," which just made me laugh at the thought.

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