Found her?

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???: that's why everyone says don't trust anyone more than anything.

Y/n: w-who are you?

You asked weakly. He just chuckled.

???: scared? Little girl?

Y/n: I am n-not scared of y-you. And don't c-call me little girl

You spoke.

???: feisty huh

Y/n: why d-did you kidnapped me?

???: well well well after whatever you did with my brother. You think i will let you live.

Y/n: f-finally! *chuckle*

You chuckled as he look at you.

???: why are you laughing!?

Y/n: you think y-you bought me h-here? No, i-i myself let you kidnap m-me

He grabbed your hair as you winced in pain but didn't stop your smile.

???: what the fuck are you talking about?!

He growled making you laugh at him.

Y/n: what did you t-thought that i w-won't know that who y-you're

His grip tighten on your hai.

Y/n: Han-jae aka Lin yi

At kim mansion

Jin: did she woke up?

Ji-hoon: not yet.

Jin: don't worry hana will be fine. Don't stress yourself.

Ji-hoon: I am not stressed for you. I am stressed for y/n. She has been kidnapped and I don't even have idea in what condition she must be in.

Jin: I promise I will get y/n home safe

Ji-hoon: you have too or I don't know how will I live without that angry bird. She is the only sister I have

Jin: everyone is looking for her. Take care of hana and we will search for y/n.

Ji-hoon nodded as jin patted his shoulder before leaving the room.

It's been 2 hours since y/n got kidnapped and they were finding her.

They found hana in the balcony lying unconscious as her head was bleeding. They called the doctor and he told them that she got hit on something hard, she was unconscious cause of the blood loss. She will be fine.

They even found blood stains on the wall in balcony making it clear that whoever came inside, had came from there and probably hana must be standing over their that time.

Since then she was unconscious, Ji-hoon stayed with her while the others assured him that they will bring back y/n. Her phone was found on the floor maybe it fell down.

Jimin: any clue?

He asked seeing taehyung who was coming from somewhere.

Taehyung: no one had seen any stranger.

Namjoon: it must be someone known

Jimin: like how?

Namjoon: that person who came at the party.

Hoseok: but we don't know who was h-

Suga's phone rang as he saw the id it was private number. He answered as the video call started.

*on video call*
Suga: why the fuck you called me!

He yelled making his brother's curious as they gathered around him and saw. The person was wearing a mask.

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