Chapter 5: Unexpected Encounter

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Y/n's Pov

I was rudely awoken by my obnoxious alarm clock. As much as I wanted to chuck it out the window, I knew I needed it to get up on time. Groggily, I felt a sharp pain in my hand, probably from my aggressive antics the day before. Ignoring it, I got ready for the day in my denim jacket, jeans, and a cool black t-shirt with an animatic design.

Heading downstairs, I noticed my mom and brother already eating breakfast, their faces serene. It was a bit strange that no one greeted me like they usually do. So, I spoke up

Y/n: Mom, I'm fine with your marriage but–

Before I could finish, Mom chimed in with excitement

Mom: Thank you, y/n! I'll let Mr. Kim know.

My brother's gaze narrowed, adding to the unexpected atmosphere.
Y/n: Let me finish the sentence, but I do have some conditions. I want to make sure things are clear and we don’t complicate anything.
I kept my voice calm and serious, not wanting to cause any tension with Ji-hoon. My mom can marry whoever she wants, but when it comes to my own life, I want to be in control. I'm an adult now and I will make my own decisions.

Y/n continued,
Y/n: I will only stay here and I don't want any interference from the Kim Family. No one should ask me where I'm going or what I'm doing, except for Ji-hoon. I expect respect from them if they want the same from me. And no one should meddle in my racing activities.
I told her, yeah, she knew about my hobbies. I'm an open book, unless it's something she shouldn't know about. Racing was just a small hobby and we had an agreement - if I ever got hurt, I had to stop.

Ji-hoon: I respectfully disagree with you. I think staying here alone is not a good idea. We have different opinions on this.
I could see the worry in Mom's eyes.

Mom: y/n, why do you want to stay here?

Y/n: I just don't feel comfortable leaving. It's just hard to explain. This is where I grew up, where my dad raised me.
I feel connected to this place because of my father. I hate it when people try to make me leave our family home. It's where I feel safe.

Ji-hoon: Y/n, I understand you have your reasons for wanting to stay here. This time, I'll stay with you.

Mom: Ji-hoon, what's the deal with her talking about?

My mom looked at me, puzzled, while Ji-hoon hesitated before responding. His fingers seemed fidgety around the knife.

Ji-hoon: Oh, she's just not very at ease around new people, especially boys.

I decided to leave the room, not wanting to continue the conversation. As I walked out, I could hear my brother saying goodbye and quickly following me.

Later that day, Y/n and Jungkook were in the same class sitting next to each other, when a boy approached Y/n while Jungkook glanced at them briefly before listening in.

???: Hey, what's up?

The guy smiled, causing Y/n to smile back at him.

Y/n: Selling your grandma on eBay

Jungkook tried to stifle a laugh as Y/n looked back down at their phone. The guy spoke up again.

???: Don't be mean. I just wanted to ask if you're doing okay or not.

Y/n rolled their eyes and looked at him.

Y/n: Do I have to answer you? Why do you even care?

???: I'm Jack, and I want to be your friend.

He said with a grin, but Y/n just scoffed.

Y/n: But I don't need a friend.

Suddenly, Jack's tone changed.

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