Accidental punch

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Yoongi brought a plate of food as y/n was just laying their surrounded by maknaes.

Yoongi: hyung food

Jin took the plate from him as he spoke.

Jin: y/n eat this get up

Y/n: I don't wanna eat

Jin: just a lil bit baby. You will feel good.

Y/n: b-baby

Jin: yeah you're our baby. You're the youngest in this family so now enough of talking, get up

You slowly sat on the bed as jimin helped you. You leaned to headboard as you forwarded your hand.

Jin: what?

Y/n: you said me to eat so give me the plate

Jin: I will feed you

Y/n: I am not unwell I can eat myself.

Yoongi: it's useless to argue with him. You won't won so gave in and eat.

You made a pout as jin started feeding you. After like 5-6 spoons you hold his hand stopping him.

Y/n: I don't want to eat more

Jin: you didn't even had half of it.

Y/n: but I don't want to

You said as tear formed into your eyes. Jin started panicking seeing it.

Jin: okay okay I won't force you. Don't eat if you don't want alright. Don't cry..... please okay. 

You nodded as he passed the plate to jungkook who left with it.

Jin: now have this your fever will go

You nodded and swallowed the medicine with water.

Jin helped you and you laid down again. Then namjoon and hoseok entered with bags in their hand. Hoseok passed the bag to jin who looked inside.

Jin: This is for you

He said looking at y/n. She looked at him confused and Asked.

Y/n: what's in it?

Jin: some chocolates and the things you needed.

Your eyes sparkled hearing chocolates but then you realised something and asked.

Y/n: didn't we brought today?

Namjoon: yeah we did but that wasn't dark chocolate so we bought those.

You nodded as jin gave you one chocolate after unwrapping. You take it and started eating but you noticed three pairs of eyes on you.

 You take it and started eating but you noticed three pairs of eyes on you

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