Drunk Y/N

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As she said those words I felt like my world stopped. I gathered all my courage and spoke.

Y/n: w-what???

Jennie: u-unnie we-

Jade: no one will interrupt us.

She said looking at others and again turned towards me and i spoke.

Y/n: I know you're mad but they are not in mafia.

Jade: didn't ji-hoon told you anything?

She asked as I looked at her and shaked my head as no.

Jade: I thought he told you everything. But seems like he doesn't have courage to tell the truth to his own sister.

Y/n: w-what are talking a-about?

Jade: he knows everything. The day he got kidnapped he got to know by Eric. Eric kidnapped him to take revenge from bts. It wasn't your fault that ji-hoon got kidnapped. That's all your so called step brothers fault. And your jungkook is jk

Y/n: jungkook isn't jk!!!! it's a joke right!! You didn't meant anything right!!

Jade: y/n-

Y/n: I w-want to b-be alone

Jade: y/n-

Before she could finish I ran out from their. I can't stay their a bit. I was feeling suffocated. I heard them yelling my name but I didn't turn. My tears were running down on my cheeks non stop.

All t-they said was a l-lie....... Here I-i was trying t-to c-convince opp- ji-hoon to tell t-them but....... w-what they a-all did........ I trusted t-them, I was f-fucking t-trusting........ them b-blindly and th-this....... is what I-i got trusting s-someone............ Again and a-again Every one i-is lying to m-me......... and t-this time y-you did too........... I won't f-forgive you e-easily.

I again started feeling dizzy and blurry vision. I closed my eyes tightly and opened it and everything wasn't blurry this time. I went to one of my guard and took the bike keys of mine and sat on it and drove.

Lisa: Y/N STOP!!!!!

I heard her but I didn't stop. I don't know where I am going but right now I want space.

Jade POV
As she ran I told Lisa to follow her. I shouldn't said those words in anger as I decided to tell her everything calmly but I didn't. I sat on the couch looking down, holding a fist full hair.

Jisso: unnie it's okay we will talk to her

Rose: u-unnie what you said was true? Did you meant every word?

Jade: yeah I thought ji-hoon told her but he didn't.

Lisa came panting and Jennie asked.

Jennie: where is y/n? Didn't you went behind her?

Lisa: s-she left

Jisso: WHAT!!!! Call the guards we need to find he-

Jade: no!! No one will do that. If she wants to be alone then let her be. Everyone knows that no one can find her.

Rose: what if she do something to herself?

Jade: she won't. I know her very well.

Jennie: should we tell her brothers?

Jade: or what else can we do? Rose go and call them.

She nodded and left.

Ji-hoon POV
We were talking but suddenly rose came. I excused myself and went to her.

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