Losing control!

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Y/n: so Kim Seokjin lied. So their are 6 left. Lets see how long they can lie! And the most important part, Lee Ji-hoon was also their and they are even hiding it.

Your phone rang suddenly. You pulled it out from your pocket...

Meanwhile, all of the siblings were in meeting room including Ji-hoon except you.

Ji-hoon: so you lied to her! Are you stupid or what? You could have said that we were at Lee Mansion!

Jin: why are you getting angry on me? What if she got to know about our plan?!

Ji-hoon: gosh! Seokjin-ah even if we didn't told her, the guards would have told her or her informers that we visited their! She asked you that means she wanted you to tell her by yourself but you lied!!!

Yoongi: that means we are in a mess now

Ji-hoon: totally

Jungkook: can't we just tell her

Namjoon: no no no it will be worst. Lets just keep quiet as her birthday is in day after tomorrow so lets just keep it secret until then

Hoseok: I agree and we will tell her that why jin hyung lied and why we went their.

Ji-hoon: lets see what will happen. I hope nothing goes wrong until then.

Taehyung: right and we need to increase the security too.

Jimin: just send the invitation card. Without that no one is allowed to enter.

Yoongi: yeah it will be great idea.

Jungkook: jin hyung what are you thinking?

Jin looked at him and spoke.

Jin: I don't know negative thoughts are already coming in my mind.

Jungkook: nothing will happen. Don't worry

Ji-hoon: yeah just think positive

Jin nodded as the door knocked and the maid entered. She bowed to them and spoke.

Maid: sir mr kim is here

Hoseok: dad?

Maid: yes sir

Jin: okay leave we are coming

He said as she bowed before leaving the room.

Taehyung: why is he here all of a sudden?

Yoongi: if he is here alone then I don't think so it will be good

He said while getting up.

Yoongi: let's go then

He said and started walking out as the others followed him.

They all went out and saw y/n and Mr kim sitting on the couch doing something on laptop.

They went closer and heard.

Y/n: which one?

Mr kim: this it's not opening my best men tried but they failed. That's why I came myself cause it's important and Suga is one of the best that's why

Y/n: okay

Yoongi: give it to me

He said as they both turned and look at the boys.

Mr Kim: oh you're here. Jungkook how are you doing now?

Jungkook: I am good dad

Yoongi sat next to you and you passed him the laptop. He grabbed it and started doing his work.

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