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A/n Pov
You were sitting behind a tree pressing your shot wound as it was bleeding continuously than other wounds. You were covered in sweat and was feeling dizzy since you escaped.

'I have to get outta here' was the only thing you were thinking. You don't wanna die here atleast. Yes, it was your choice to come with Lin yi. You knew he will kidnap you and let him do it so that you can meet Kim Aera but she wasn't even around.

Suddenly you felt someone's hand. You look at the person hoping someone who came for you but for your bad luck it was Lin yi's men. Hr has a creepy smile as he harshly made you stand by holding your arm.

Man: sir the bird is caught

You heard him saying in the ear plug. You grabbed his hand but it was even hard for you to even twist his hand cause you were tired. The energy you had was drained out after you ran from their.

He pushed you making your back hit the tree.

You groaned as he choked you and spoke.

Man: don't you dare to run away cause I won't hesitate to shoot you

He spoke and pulled you with him. He was taking you when suddenly gun shots were heard. You look at the man's body which slowly fell down while blood was coming out of his back.

You were shocked to see Lin Yi. But the question was why did he killed hia men?

Lin yi: I told those mother fuckers to not touch what's mine!

He barked before barging towards you. You didn't even took steps back as you weren't scared of him.

Lin yi: I guess you like to play hard right? Then fine let's play.

He spoke and grabbed your jaw. You tried to get out of his grip but you were already losing blood so it was getting impossible for you to get outta his grip.

Lin yi: I will show you the real game now!

He spoke and grabbed her arm and started dragging her. She doesn't wanted to give up this easily and that to be in front of your enemy.

He was dragging her when they heard a loud yelling as if someone was looking for you.

Lin Yi: Aghh now I have to deal with this shit!

He groaned and dragged her again while his guards covered him.

After getting back to the same place he pushed you in the ground. The place was same but the room wasn't!

Jade Pov
We all were searching for y/n as it's been an hour since we started searching for her. The jungle was deep. We have been placing camera's everywhere so that if we leave from here and someone comes then jisso gonna inform us. I just hope she will be alright.... She have to!

Jisso: hey hear me out fast everyone!

Jade: speak up

I spoke thinking what she wanted to say.

Jisso: I just saw a dead body being dragged by two men!

Bts/black devils: WHAT?

Jisso: yeah it was a guy not y/n.

Jade: where?

Jisso: around Jin

Jade: jin! We're coming their try to look around!

I spoke and ran towards in which side Jin left.

Jimin Pov
As I heard I went to jin hyung as I was the nearest. We all gathered and roslein spoke.

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