Scared Taehyung

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Yoongi nodded and spoke.

Yoongi: it's true but she is a bit complicated too. She can't handle lies and we lied to her many times. If she got to know then will she be able to forgive us?

Taehyung: hyung what if she leave us?

Yoongi: I don't think so she will take this step as long as I know she will do something worse.

Taehyung looked at him and gulped before asking.

Taehyung: what do you mean by worse?

Yoongi: maybe she may stab you while you were sleeping or choke you too death or she may add poison on your food.

Yoongi said and walked away leaving a scared taehyung.

Taehyung: why will she do that to me?

He said to himself and tried to calm himself down by saying that everything is fine. But he is already scared from her by now. He went to his room so that he can forget and sleep.

Namjoon POV
Me, jimin and hoseok were in our office basement for that bastard as we can't take him to mansion.

Namjoon POV Me, jimin and hoseok were in our office basement for that bastard as we can't take him to mansion

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We went inside and saw him tied up in chair and having a bandage on leg.

We went towards him as I signed a guard. He nodded and picked a bucket of water and threw it on him. He immediately woke up and was shivering as the water was cold as fuck.

Eric: let me GO!!!

He yelled as I smirked and spoke.

Namjoon: why will we huh? Aren't you the one who was behind our sister and kidnapped our brother so we should teach you a lesson

Eric: *chuckle* about her. She is really something. I still can't forget her face.

Hoseok: shut that fucking mouth of yours!!!

Hoseok yelled but he again spoke.

Eric: *smirked* I'm serious she is fucking sexy. Her lips, her eyes, her body ahh~ so perfect. I just wanna fuc-

Before he complete jimin punched him really hard, his face turned other side as jimin grabbed his collar harshly and spoke.

Jimin: I thought of going easy on you but now I won't show any mercy on you.

Jimin said and started untying his hands.

Namjoon: jimin what are yo-

Jimin: no hyung I'm not gonna listen to any one today.

I didn't said anything cause he was right too. Every brother wants to protect their sister and he just said those words which he shouldn't.

Jimin is the one of the worst member of us. He gets angry really fast if someone says something about our family and no one can stop him.

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