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Doctor: I checked her up and sorry to say it's Anterograde amnesia, it's one type of memory loss that occurs when you can't form new memories. Thi-

Namjoon: This means you permanently lose the ability to learn or retain any new information.

Doctor: right

Yoongi: you mean it's permanent memory loss.

Doctor: yes, it is cause of her head injury. I already said that before that her head injuries were critical.

Jin: so what now?

Doctor: now she doesn't remember the memories of 5 years.

Namjoon: is their any way to make her remember everything?

Doctor: it's difficult to say I mean their are rare cases of patient getting back their memories.

Jimin: that means we have to start everything from the very start?

Doctor: you can go for a new beginning like she doesn't remember anything so it will be her different self now. Atleast she gained consciousness and that's what we wanted or some patients doesn't get it back and pass away anything.

Taehyung: so according to you their is no way she gonna remember us and everything

Doctor nodded making them smile sadly atleast that girl is alive and that's what they wanted.

In your room~
Ji-hoon was sitting beside and while you were laying down on bed. His hand was caressing your hair.

Y/n: oppa

He hummed

Y/n: can I take this and this off?

You asked pointing towards the oxygen tube, stuck on your nasal and the drip in your hand.

He shaked his head as no.

Ji-hoon: I can't before consulting the doctor.

Y/n: aish atleast call dadda! And why mom left with that guy? And where are we? Did we shifted? And why I am like this? Did something happen-

Ji-hoon: shhh you speak too much. Don't use that little brain or it will burst.

You stick out your tongue teasing him and he chuckled.

The door knocked as their eyes diverted towards the people who entered. It was Jin, Jimin and Yoongi with doctor.

Ji-hoon got up and moved aside.

Doctor: how are you feeling dear?

Y/n: just this and this out and I will be fine.

You spoke smoothly trying to make the doctor do as you say but unfortunately he shakes his head chuckling.

Doctor: you needed oxygen for atleast one more week but I can take this drip off if you will start eating

Y/n: start eating? Since how long I didn't ate anything?

Doctor: 2 weeks....you were lying here unconscious.

Your eyes widened as you immediately sat.

Y/n: t-two weeks? Really? wait where's my phone?

Jin: take mine....we will get you one later

Y/n: but why would I take yours? I have my own brother right?

Ji-hoon hesitately gave you his phone and your eyes widened seeing the year

Y/n: wait wait wait you said two weeks right? Then what about the last 5 years? What about dadda where is he? M-mom MOM!

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