Who is the guy???

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Jimin POV
We all came to mansion after our mission. Hoseok hyung got scratched in his wrist as we all slowly entered but stopped seeing hearing voice.

Jimin: I think they are downstairs

Jungkook: isn't it 12 am they must be slept.

Yoongi: maybe they are up.

Taehyung: hyung should I go to check?

Yoongi: no you stay your clothes were already stained with bloods. Let me go as I wasn't.

Taehyung looked at his clothes and sighed.

Yoongi POV I started going towards the living area as I heard voice I guess the tv is on

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Yoongi POV
I started going towards the living area as I heard voice I guess the tv is on. I looked at the three figure their. I went closer as I saw Jin hyung and Ji-hoon hyung was slept as y/n to who was laid. I smiled as she was having a pout. I went towards the others and spoke.

Yoongi: we should go to our room slowly as they all were sleeping. And I can't wake jin hyung cause y/n's head was on his lap.

They nodded and started going towards stairs. We all went to our room as I went to hoseok's room.

Yoongi: is it paining too much?

I asked holding his hand and he shaked his head as no.

Hoseok: it's not.

Yoongi: let me clean it

I said and brought the first aid kit. I started cleaning his wounds and bandaging. Soon I finished as I put the kit back on its place.

Yoongi: if it hurts then call me or any others and change carefully.

He nodded and I left to my room.

*Time skip*
At 8 am.
I slowly opened my eyes as I felt something on my head. I looked up and it was jin oppa's hand. I remembered I slept while watching movie. I looked at the side of my leg and there is Ji-hoon oppa. I slowly slide my head from his hand and sat.

I took my phone and looked at the time it was 8. I stood up and started going towards my room but some thing caught my eyes. There was some thing in floor. I bend down as I put my hair strand on back of my ear. It looks like blood. I touch it and it was not fresh, it's been hours. I looked at all the stairs and their was blood too.

Y/n: did anyone got hurt? Are others home?

I started following the blood drops and stopped in front of hoseok oppa's room.

Y/n: did hoseok oppa got hurt?

I twisted the knob and to my luck it was open. I entered as I saw hoseok oppa was Sleeping.

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