Insulted Ela!!

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Jungkook and you reached collage. Everyone was staring at you both and its not like the chaos they do everyday. He parked the bike as you got off and took your helmet off so as jungkook did. You looked around and glared those girls who were standing their and they left except one and that was ela. You rolled your eyes seeing her.

Jungkook: lets go

He said while holding your wrist and started going inside. You looked at his hand and smiled slightly feeling everything normal. You both entered inside your class, everyone looked both of you shocked as this was the first time you both entered together while holding hands.

Ela was glaring both of them like she will kill you. You didn't noticed her as jungkook made you sit and sat beside you. He loosened the grip to leave your hand but you didn't let go. He looked at you and saw you were looking straight while holding his hand. He chuckled and didn't let it go by holding softly.

The professor entered and started teaching. He was explaining while you were taking notes. You noticed jungkook was just sitting, doing nothing?

Y/n: not gonna write?

You asked whispering as he showed both of your holding hands. You immediately let it go.

Y/n: i-i didn't realised

You said as he chuckled. Soon the class ended as everyone left.

Jungkook: lets go

He said as you nodded and stood up to leave when ela stood in front of you both.

Y/n: move

You said but ela just rolled her eyes and spoke.

Ela: I never expected you will choose her.

She said looking at jungkook making both of you frown.

Jungkook: what do you mean?

He asked as she pulled her phone out and showed him the pic which she took secretly when jungkook made you sit on his lap. Jungkook's blood started boiling as ela was going too far now.

Y/n: jungkook let's go

You said and dragged him towards cafeteria.

Jungkook: y/n why didn't you let me handle her?!!

He said angrily.

Y/n: why are you even arguing with Her? She is nothing so chill.

You said trying not to create any scene cause of a random girl. He didn't said anything. You both entered the cafeteria as you dragged him towards where your other brothers were sitting.

You both sat there as lin yi was there too. He smiled and passed the coffee cup towards you. You smiled slightly accepting it. Jungkook internally scoffed and snatched the cup when you were about to drink.

Taehyung: yahh jungkook Ahh!!

He yelled as you just chuckled.

You all were sitting when suddenly ela stood in front of your table.

Jimin: what are you here for?

He asked in irritated tone. They all were looking at her. She didn't replied jimin and looked at you.

Ela: you thought I won't realise that you are stealing jungkook from me huh. You are really an attention seeker. Is that why you got this attitude Huh? You fuck every rich guy by your bloody face.

They all were boiling in angry while lin yi was just done with ela. You just rolled your eyes unbothered as she continuednot getting any replay from you.

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