Chaos over Kiss

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Jungkook POV

Yoongi: wait what happened to your lips?

Yoongi hyung asked gaining everyone's attention. I touched my lips and looked other side feeling shy.

 I touched my lips and looked other side feeling shy

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She was really a good kisser I have to say. Aish!! I wanted to kiss her for few more minutes.

Taehyung: yahh did you fought?

He said as I looked at him and shaked my head.

Jungkook: hyung it's not like that. It's just I was biting my lips and it started bleeding.


He yelled as i nervously laughed but didn't last long when jimin hyung spoke.

Jimin: hyung don't be mad cause he wasn't hungry for food.

Everyone looked at him confused except me cause my heart was beating so fast. As if they got to know then I will probably get good beating or they will throw me out of the house after all my angel is their precious sister.

Yoongi: what do you mean jimin ahh?

I looked at jimin hyung and shaked my head saying no. He just smirked at me and spoke.

Jimin: I mean he wasn't hungry. Maybe he was nervous about something. I do the same sometimes.

He said as everyone nodded. I sighed in relief.

Hoseok: go and freshen up. We will have lunch then.

I nodded and went towards my room.

*time skip*
After taking shower you wore this

*time skip* A/n POV After taking shower you wore this

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You looked at the clock and saw it's 2 pm.

Y/n: weird it's noon and I'm not hungry. Let's just workout.

You said and grabbed your airpods. You put it on and connected your phone with it. You played the music and put your phone in your pocket. You went out and started going towards gym.

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