First kiss

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He smiled thinking she will confess like that but


He sighed being shocked. What else he can expect from her. He turned towards her and spoke.

Lin yi: how much you wanna hide it and hurt yourself

He asked as she just grabbed her bag and went towards him. She kicked his knees and left leaving him groaning in pain.

She went towards her class and sat on her seat. She looked at her other side where jungkook sits and their was no one.

Where is He? Wait- why the fuck are you thinking about him? Just forget that fucking dickhead!! Don't think about him. Aish such a pain in ass, you thought as the professor entered and started teaching.

Professor: where is jungkook?

He asked suddenly making you confuse too. As you also didn't saw him. But before anyone could say the door bursted open revealing a panting jungkook.

Jungkook POV
We all were finding her but she was nowhere when we saw lin yi guy coming towards us.

Jimin: did you saw her?

Lin yi: yeah she just left from music room. I saw her going towards her class.

Jungkook: hyung she must be in class

Taehyung: go and look for her and if she wasn't their then text us and if she's there then attend your class and inform us.

I nodded and ran towards my class. I open the door and stood their panting. I looked everyone and my eyes landed on y/n. She was looking at me wait why do i feel like she is cursing me.

Professor: jungkook why were you late?

He asked making me angry. I went towards him and grabbed his collar. I heard others gasps.

Jungkook: look if you don't wanna be jobless then don't say a fucking word to me.

I said while he nodded and i left his collar and went towards my seat. I sat and he continued the class. I pulled my phone out and messaged tae hyung that y/n is here. He said okay.

*time skip*
As soon as the class ended jungkook stood up and went towards you. You ignored him and was about to go when he grabbed your hand. You looked at him irritatingly.

Y/n: leave my hand

You said slowly as you don't want to create a scene. But instead of leaving your hand he started dragging you.

Y/n: jungkook leave my hand!!! JUNGKOOK I SAID FUCKING LEAVE MY HAND!!!

As you yelled he stopped and turned towards you.

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