Nightmare & Want BF

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Receptionist: he will be here in few mins sir. We just called him

Ji-hoon: alright

He said and went towards OT and sat outside ignore bts. Hana also came with 4 water bottles. She went towards bts.

Hana: guys drink some water

Taehyung: it's fine noona

He said leaning on the chair sitting helpless.

Hana: drink some cause if y/n will get to know that you are all also hospitalized due to dehydration she will be sad

They heard her and took the bottles. She smiled and went towards Ji-hoon who was sitting lifeless as his soul left his body. Hana sat beside him and opened the bottle.

Hana: Ji-hoon drink some water. If you will be like this then it can harm your health.

Ji-hoon nodded and she made him drink water.

After few mins Ji-hoon saw Dr park he stood up. Dr park came to him and spoke.

Dr park: don't worry she will be alright.

Ji-hoon: please save her

Dr park: let me check her

He spoke and went inside the OT.

After 3 hours the door opened revealimg two doctors and everyone run to the them. Both of the doctor looked at them sadly.

Jin: h-how is s-she?

He asked as the doctors remained silent.

Ji-hoon: s-say SOMETHING

He shouted as Dr park spoke.

Dr park: sorry we tried but she is no more

He said sadly. They all froze at their spot as they heard those words. Jin pushed the doctors aside and went inside. He saw you lying on bed with pale face. He started shaking you.

Jin: pri-princess, w-wake up. D-dont do t-this to me pl-please....... wake up c-cupcake.

He spoke as he felt your body is getting cold.

Jin: Y/N!!!!!!!!

Jin woke up with full of sweats. He saw y/n was looking at him, worry was written on her face. He immediately hugged her not wanting her to go.

Yes, it was nightmare. Which was every brothers fear to lose their sister. He was scared to lose her. He never ever even thought about death and now he saw the dream which was seems to be true.

Y/n was confused but hugged him back. She started patting his back so that he will calm down. Suddenly Jin noticed her clothes. It was the same as he saw in his dream. He broke the hug and asked.

Jin: you w-were in the l-library right.

Y/n: yeah I was going to my room but I heard crying sound so I came. You were crying in your dream. I tried to wake you up. What happened?

Jin: I j-just saw nig-nightmare

Y/n: then why did you shouted my name?

You asked being confused as you are thinking that how are you related to his nightmare.

Jin: I s-saw you di-died.

You smiled and spoke.

Y/n: I won'tdie easily as I have some work to complete before dying.

You said winking at him. She hugged him and spoke.

Y/n: you think your cupcake will leave you so easily. You are this weak to let me go

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