false accusation

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Ji-hoon opened his eyes. He looked at the person in front of him and it was no other than hana. She was looking at him worriedly as he was sobbing continuously in his sleep which was kinda weird as he never slept at office even if he was tired. Before she could understand the situation he embraced her tightly making the girl confuse. She hugged him back and started patting her back thinking he probably had a nightmare.

Hana: hey what happened?

He didn't utter a word so she thought to let him cry for a while so that he will feel better. After like 5 minutes of crying he broke the hug. She made him sit on his chair and handed him a glass of water. He accepted it and she sat in front of him on another chair.

Hana: now tell me did you had nightmare? Wait- it's not even night, it's evening it could be evenmare right?

She said making him chuckle hearing her silly words. She smiled seeing him laughing. He put the glass back on the table after drinking it.

Ji-hoon: when did you came?

Hana: in the afternoon. I came in to inform you but for my bad luck you were sleeping so I went to look into the stuff which I missed. But when I entered a while ago to see if you woke up or not as I wanted your sign. I saw you were crying so I woke you up.

Ji-hoon: why did you took a leave?

Hana: t-that's not important

Ji-hoon: don't lie I know you kept lying cause you don't wanna tell me. I know everything you are sick right!! I know many doctors out their I will call them. If they deny then I will ask y/n and you know who is she so it won't be hard to get them here

He said and got up. He grabbed her hand and started dragging her towards the door when she spoke.

Hana: wait wait wait!! I am not sick!! Don't tell me this your new way to fire me. I am telling you Kim ji-hoon i will file a report against you for firing me for no reason.

He turned and looked at her shocked.

Ji-hoon: y-you're not ill? You don't have tumour?

Hana: what tumour! What are you even thinking!!? In my whole family no one had it so from where I will get from!! I agree I don't sleep and got dark circles which I have to cover with makeup but I swear I eat well. You can call my mom and ask her she will probably call me pig!!

Hana said as ji-hoon chuckled hearing her last few lines.

Ji-hoon: then what you did on leave?

She sighed and spoke.

Hana: mom was nagging me so much to take her to busan to meet her relatives. But I kept denying but she started taunting me so I took her their. But then I got to know her plan. She met those weird relatives and asked me if I liked their son or not.

He was beyond shocked to hear what her mom did but gathering his all courage he asked.

Ji-hoon: w-what did you said?

Hana: of course no. Those are looking totally idiots. I mean just look at me I work more than I sleep and they, it was like they just know how to eat! I know I shouldn't judge anyone but still they don't do anything. You can say still lives under dad's money.

Ji-hoon: oh

Hana: yeah now leave my hand!!

She whinned as he immediately let her wrist go. She just chuckled slightly.

Hana: lets go have a coffee you will feel better. And then i have lots of work to do.

She said with a fake sad face.

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