Who is HE??

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As soon as I opened the door I was shocked to see that the whole damn room was messed up. I left to Taehyung oppa's room leaving oppa alone.

Jungkook POV
I was going towards my room when I heard voices from y/n's room. I didn't wanted to hear when I heard Ji-hoon hyung saying. So i slightly opened the door and looked inside. They both were sitting on floor and the room was messed up completely.

Ji-hoon: when is your appointment??

Appointment what are they talking about?? Then I heard y/n.

Y/n: I s-stopped t-two mont-

She is stuttering but why??

Ji-hoon: you stopped. *chuckle* may I know the reason?? Did it end??

What did ended??? What are they hiding from us??

Y/n: n-no

Ji-hoon: and you thought that hiding is the best solution right??

Ji-hoon: it's alright I don't have problem with your decision. But don't miss your medicines okay.

Is she taking other pills except anger control pills???

Y/n: aren't you angry??

Ji-hoon: no I am not but you have to control your anger and apologise to Taehyung, he is upset.

Y/n: I don't want to tell him those words it's just went out of my control i-

Ji-hoon: I know I know but he got upset cause of your behaviour so you should convince him

Ji-hoon: good now get up and talk to him and I am gonna clean this mess

She started coming towards the door as I hide behind the pillar so that she can't see me. She left towards Taehyung hyungs room.

Jungkook: I will figure it out that what happened in your past y/n. I can't see my lil sister in pain. I can't see you harm yourself more.

I said to myself and left to my room.

Taehyung POV
I was sitting in my room as jimin was trying to talk to me. I was angry that I only tried to play with her but she got angry on me. And I was feeling guilty too that I spoil her mood.

Jimin: yaah tae she doesnt mean anything what she said

Taehyung: she meant that jimin. She said it in her consciousness

Jimin: tae, Ji-hoon hyung told you that she didn't took her pills that's why she acted like this

Taehyung: so she will be cold towards us if she doesnt take pills and after taking them she will talk to us with straight face

Jimin: yahh Kim Taehyung I know you are hurt but understand her too

???: Taehyung o-oppa is right maybe

As I heard the voice me and jimin turned towards the door and y/n was standing there. Her eyes were red as if she cried. I looked at other side not wanting to talk to her. Jimin got up and went to her.

Jimin POV
As I turned and there was y/n standing. Her face was like she cried but why did she cried it wasn't her fault. And I understand that she got cause she didn't took her pills. And I know Taehyung too. He gets upset easily. So I think I should give them time alone.

I got up and went towards her and whispered.

Jimin: he is upset with you

Y/n: I want to talk to him alone. Can i-i????

Jimin: yeah sure you don't need permission to talk to your brother.

She nodded and I left after patting her back.

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