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I was sitting on the bathroom floor again blood dripping down my arms. It was my day off and I started thinking about my boyfriends and if they even loved me or if they were dating me out of pity. I had just made another cut when I heard the door open and Izu yell they were back. I quickly cleaned up my arm and the bathroom before going downstairs to meet my boyfriends. I walked in and they smiled at me. Shin's smile faltered for a moment before returning. He patted the seat next to him, motioning for me to join them. I sat down and we began talking about how our days had gone. Shin asked "why is there blood on your arm?" I panicked before saying "Oh, I must have cut it on something while I was cleaning the house." Shin looked at me with concern, "we can tell you're lying, Kami. Why?" I tried to answer that I wasn't lying but I quickly fell under Shin's control. "Give me your arm," he commanded as Izu got up, most likely to get the first aid kit. I felt Shin roll up my sleeves and knew he saw all of the disgusting cuts along my arm. He released me from his quirk and asked, "Kitten... why?" I felt hot, fat tears fall down my face and heard Izu come back from the kitchen and sit near Shin. "I-I'm ugly and loud and-and I'm so stupid. I don't understand why either if you would want to stay with me," I looked up at them, "do you pity me?" Shin gently grabbed my face in his hands wiping my tears with his thumbs. Izu moved behind me and pulled me into his lap rubbing calming shapes and patterns into my back. "We would never pity you. And you are none of those things, okay? You are sweet and kind and funny." Izu and Shin said at the same time. I didn't have the strength in me to hold myself up anymore and slumped into Shin's arms still sitting on Izu's lap. "I-I'm so-sorry!" I began crying more than I was before feeling remorseful of what I did to myself and that I had hurt them with it. "Shhh. Kitten it's ok. You have nothing to apologize for. You relied on this for comfort before but you don't have to anymore, we're here for you and you can talk to us about anything. Okay?" I nodded into his chest and yawned. I felt Izu chuckle and say softly, "why don't we take a nap before I start dinner?" I mumbled a quick yes before readjusting laying my head in Shin's lap curling up slightly. Izu moved behind me spooning me and we all fell asleep like that until it was dinner time.

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