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Vlad and I had just finished getting citizens out of the collapsing building when it began collapsing. We ran as fast as we could. The building would have come down on Mr if it wasn't for Shota's scarf. I was panting for air partially because I had just ran but also because I was so close to dying. I would have died the same as Oboro. "Sho. Sho, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. No. No. I-I almost di-died. It al-almost fell on-on me." My breathing began to pick up as I saw everything that happened that day. The building falling. Oboro running. Us reaching for him. The building crashing. "Hey. Hey! Mic it's ok. It's ok. You're right here. We're both ok. Breath. Breath. You're ok." I listened to Sho and began focusing on my breathing, trying to slow it down. After a while it had calmed down and I realised it was just us. The rest of the heroes were doing crowd control and the area was taped off. "Hey Sweetheart. Are you okay? Tell me whats happening?" I leaned against him more, resting my body weight on him. "Yeah...yeah. I'm ok. It was just a lot. I saw it all over again. We were so close, Sho. So close." He hummed, kissing my head. "I know sweetie, but we wouldn't have gotten out in time. You know that. Let's focus on that we are still alive okay?" I nodded standing up. "Let's go, Sho! We still have stuff to do!" I exclaimed, putting on my signature smile.

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