Kirishima feat. Dadzawa

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I was sitting on the roof looking at the sunset. God it's beautiful, the world I beautiful, but I don't want to be here anymore. I'm not as strong as everyone else. I shouldn't be here. I continued sitting there watching the world go by. I heard the door open but didn't question it. People often came up here even though it wasn't allowed. I saw someone in all black sit next to me."I used to like to come up here and watch the sunset when I was your age," I jumped realizing it was Aizawa. "I'm not mad about you sneaking onto the roof. Truthfully, I'm concerned. So talk to me, kiddo. What's going on?" I knew he would know if I was lying and I trusted him, even if it might backfire. "Truthfully sir, I don't want to be here anymore." He took a deep breath in surprise. I mean it makes sense; the happiest kid in class admitting he isn't as happy as he seems. He repeated what I had said to me before continuing. "Any reason why?" That surprised me. People, especially adults, don't usually try to understand, but he was. "I'm not strong. My entire quirk is centered around my strength and I can't even do that." He responded almost immediately. "I see," he started, "well, I think you're strong as hell." I looked at him as if this was the most unimaginable thing he's ever said. "I do. Anyone can fight a villian; but to battle your own demons, every single day? That's true strength. And trust me I have been there; I have done that. I know exactly where you are. But this world needs you. It needs you to be a hero; even if you're only a hero to yourself. Yeah the world may keep turning, but without you on it we don't want it. The people who love you and care about you. So, look at me. I want you to say it with me. 'I'm alive." I repeated what he had said, barely above a whisper. "Louder. I can't hear you. I'm alive!" I said it at nearly a yell this time and he smiled at me. "Good. You're alive and you're going to be amazing." I smiled at him. "Thank you, sir." He smiled again. "Of course, Kirishima. Now go to your room, I'm sure you have work to do." I nodded getting up and heading to my dorm; more confident in myself than before.

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