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Why he leave me? Did I do something wrong? I was sitting on the floor of my dorm, my back to the bed. A few minutes before Kachaan and I were sitting in my dorm talking and he began yelling at me saying he hated me. He quickly left the room after that, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Did he mean it? Does he hate me? This thoughts kept repeating in my head as they secured themselves as true. I couldn't deal with the thought of the only person who loved me, hating me so I began cutting with the blade I had hidden in a drawer compartment.
Bakugous POV
Why did I do that? I don't hate him! I love him! I ran back to his room and knocked on the door, "Deku! I'm sorry! Please let me in!" All I heard were powerful sobs. "Deku! I'm coming in!" I opened the door to see Deku sitting on the floor cutting his arm in long straight lines, dripping with crimson blood. I quickly ran towards him, tearing the blade from his hands. "I-I'm s-sorry. I-You-you said you hated me! Just leave me! I don't want to hurt you!" Oh my poor baby, I'd hurt him so much. "Oh baby, I don't hate you. I won't be leaving either, I'm gonna stay right here with you, okay?" He nodded his head still not looking up at me. I pulled him into my lap, wiping his tears with the pads of my thumbs. Once his tears were dried I pulled his head to my chest, rocking slightly to help calm him. After a few minutes his sobs had been reduced to small hiccups and I picked him up, carrying him to the bathroom. I sat him on the counter, grabbing the first aid kit from the cupboard below. It was red with worn out hero stickers on it from when we were kids. I pulled out the alcohol wipes and bandage wraps before starting to clean his arms, kissing each bandaged arm as I finished. Once I had cleaned his arms I picked Izu up again taking us to the bed. I sat down with him again in my lap, head resting against my chest. He hadn't said anything since his outburst, so I whispered, "what's going on in that mind of yours, baby?" He continued to stare at his hands, whispering something unintelligible to me. "What was that, hun?" He clenched his hands, saying slightly louder, "I'm sorry." I looked at him sadly before kissing his forehead and whispering, "what for, baby?" He gripped his arms, stabbing the bandages with his nails. It wouldn't do much damage, but I could tell it was still hurting him. I pulled his arms away saying soft, but sternly, " Don't do that. Squeeze my hands if you need to, okay?" He nodded again before whispering, "I'm sorry I annoyed you. You can leave if you want, I don't want to bother you." I pulled him slightly closer, squeezing him. "You aren't bothering me or annoying me. I want to be here with you and help you, hunny." I felt small droplets on the front of my shirt, telling me he was crying again. "B-but you h-hate me. A-and I told you I would quit doing this," motioning to his bandaged arms, " but I did it again." He had been tightly squeezing my hands since he had began speaking and kept trying to lightly pull his hands away. I knew if I let them go he would start scratching and hurting his arms again. "I could never hate you. I don't know why I said that, but it's not true. And I could never hold this against you." I kissed his arms. "This is how you cope with your feelings. And you went so long without doing it. I am so, so proud of you for that." He started crying harder, turning his head into my chest. His body was shaking with the power of his sobs. I gently pushed on of my hands into his hair rubbing his head and playing with it. This had always seemed to help calm him down. "Shh. Shh. Just let it all out. It's okay. I'm right here. You're okay." I kept whispering this into his head kissing it gently every once and a while. When he started crying he wrapped his arms around my middle, holding it tightly, as if I was what was keeping him grounded. He continued crying into my chest for the next 10 minutes before he seemed to run out of tears. He turned his head to the side, still not letting go of me. I started to pet his hair and he let out a yawn. "Are you tired, baby?" He nodded slowly into my chest. I slowly laid down laying him on top of me, head still on my chest. "Okay, baby, you can go to sleep. I'll be here the whole time." He nuzzle into me, whispering, "Promise?" I kissed his head quietly saying, "Promise." We continued to lay there as I pet his head intermittently kissing it until he fell asleep. I continued to lay there thinking about how lucky I was to have him until I eventually drifted to sleep myself.

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