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I shot awake screaming, remembering everything that happened that day. Me runnning to my mother, Shigaraki coming up behind her, me being right there, and her turning to dust in front of me. Kachaan burst through the doors, looking ready to fight until he saw me. His face turned to one of sorrow or pity. “Hey Izu. It’s okay, alright nerd?” I shook my head, “It’s my fault. All my fault. It should’ve been me.” I wrapped my arms around my knees, rocking myself. Kachaan came closer to me, sitting next to my feet. “It wasn’t your fault Izuku. There wasn’t anything you could’ve done.” I shook my head again, looking him in the eyes, “I could’ve been faster. I could’ve used blackwhip. I could’ve pushed her out of the way.” He looked like he wanted to argue but decided against it. “Can I hold you?” I nodded and he pulled me into his lap. “You couldn’t have been any faster than you were, baby. If you used blackwhip it would’ve just been disintigratted. If you pushed her out of the way you would’ve just been in her place. There was nothing you could’ve done.” I leaned my head into his shoulder. “I wish I had taken her place, then she would still be here.” He nicely turned my head to look at him. “That wouldn’t have been any better. She would be feeling the same way as you are right now. Everyone in 1A would miss you. It’s horrible what happened but that doesn’t change that it did happen. Do you think you could sleep some more?” I thought for a second before nodding. He layed down with me halfway on top of him. “Kachaan I could’ve done something to save her.” he ran his hand over the top of my hair brushing it back and kissing the top of my forehead. “I know you think you could’ve but there was nothing you could have done. You did everything you possibly could’ve but the result couldn’t have been any differen’t.” I shrugged and he began running his hand along my back. I held tightly onto him, scared that if I let go he would leave and I would be alone. “Why do you stay with me, Kachaan? I’m not good. I’m not a good boyfriend. Not a good person. Why don’t you find someone better?” He kissed my head before answering. “Because you are so perfect in my eyes. You are an amazing person and an amazing boyfriend. There is no one I could find better than you.” 

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