Ineffable Husbands Age Regression

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"Bath time, dear boy!" My Angel shouted out. "No!" The water that Aziraphale started turned off as he heard my yell. "Why, dear boy?" Aziraphale said as he walked toward where I was sat. "Water's bad. No bath." I whispered, not looking him in the eye. Not wanting to see him disappointed in me. "Oh, Crowley. This water isn't bad, I swear. It's just regular tap water. Nothing holy about it. It won't hurt you." I looked at him for a moment before returning my eyes to the ground. "But it hurt Hastur." Aziraphale crouched in front of me, looking me in the eye. "I swear that it will not hurt you, dear boy. I promise on all of my books that the water is not holy and will not hurt you or me. I won't let anything bad happen to you if I have anything to say about it, Crowley." My eyes searched his, looking for a lie, for any indication he was lying to me. "Can I make the water, Azi?" I whispered, scared he would say no. "Of course you can, dear. Just don't make it too hot. We don't need a pink baby, do we?" He chuckled, tickling my sides slightly. "No! No tickles, daddy." The tickles immediatly stopped as he froze, I did as well. Tears welled up in my eyes as I pushed myself away from him and away from my headspace. "I-I'm sorry, Angel-No, Aziraphale. I didn't mean to. I-uh I need to go." I quickly tried to stand up but was stopped by Aziraphale. I tensed, scared of him beginning to yell at me, for him to tell me that I should never come back, that he hated me and was disgusted. He looked at me and I saw tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Aziraphale. I'll go. I didn't mean to be weird. I shouldn't have said that." Aziraphale cut me off with a hug before I could continue on my tangent. "You have no reason to apologize, dear boy, and no reason to leave. You were not stupid. Don't think for a moment I would ever want you to leave, especially not because of that. I never want you to be afraid of calling me Angel or even Daddy. If you want to call me that when you're little. Dear boy, I want you to be as comfortable as possible here, especially in headspace; and if that makes you comfortable I want you to call me that. We talked about what was okay and what wasn't before I began taking care of you and neither of us said we were uncomfortable with that. Dear boy, Crowley, I would love to be your Daddy if you'd let me." I pulled away, looking him in the eye and seeing nothing but love.

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