Bakushima (Rewrite)

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I ran quickly into my bathroom, locking it before rummaging through the drawers for what I needed. Once I found the blade I slid down the tiled wall and began cutting lines across my arm. The door slowly opened, Katsuki standing there, putting the key back into his pocket. “Hey baby. Can I have that please?” I shook my head. He can’t have it. If he has it he’ll be mad at me. It means he knows and he’ll hate me. “Okay then baby. Do you think you can put it down? I don’t want you to get hurt.” I know he doesn’t. He doesn’t want me to be hurt. If I’m hurt that means I’m broken he can’t love someone who’s broken. I nodded slowly, placing it down, far enough away he couldn’t get it. “Good job baby. Can I hold you?” Gentle. He said it so gently as if he’s afraid that I’ll break if he isn’t. He thinks I’m weak. He isn’t wrong though. I slowly moved closer to him, letting him pull me into his lap. “Can I know what happened Kiri? I’m not judging you and I’m not mad I just want to help.” I shook my head. If he knows he’ll think I’m weak, more than he already does. A hero shouldn’t be afraid of yelling. “I’m sorry.” He kissed my head, rubbing my back slowly. “It’s ok, baby. Remember to breath.” I took a deep breath, using his motions to help circulate the air. He smiled at me. “Good job baby. Is there anything I can do to help?” I shook my head. Him being here is enough. But what if he doesn’t want to be here? I wouldn’t want to sit with someone like me. “You can go. You don’t have to be here if you don’t want to. I don’t want you to think I’m weak.” He shook his head, looking at me sternly. “You are not weak. You are the strongest person I know. You work so hard to take care of everyone you care about.” I turned to hide my face in his chest. He’s wrong. I’m crying, that’s weak. I’m breaking rules, that’s weak. He’s going to hate me, just like everyone else. “Please,” I whispered and he ran his hand through my hair. “Please what baby? What can I do?” I wrapped my arms around him tightly, sobbing. “Please don’t hate me.” If he hated me I’d be alone. I wouldn’t be able to stand being alone again. “I would never hate you Kiri. I love you so much.” I nodded as he started to rock me. “You are so strong baby.” *Time Skip* I woke up, still in Katsuki’s arms. “Hey baby. Feeling better?” I nodded, nuzzling into him. “Can you tell me what happened yesterday?” I tensed. I know I need to. It’ll help. “All the yelling. It was too much. I know it was weak of me to run away. But it was too much. I don’t want to be weak. I’m trying to be stronger I swear.” He kissed my head stopping me. “Stop right there baby. You don’t get to talk bad about yourself like that. You are so strong. It isn’t weak to know your limits.” I looked at him, holding my tears back. “But don’t you want someone strong? Not someone weak like me.” He pulled me tightly to his chest, kissing my head. “You are so so strong. And if having someone ‘strong’ means not having you then I don’t want that.” I tightened my grip around him, letting my tears slowly fall, wetting his shirt. “I love you so much. So, so much Kiri.” My tears slowly stopped. “Are you sure?” He nodded and picked me up. “Okay baby. We’re gonna get you cleaned up then go get breakfast okay?” I nodded.

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