Bakugou feat. Dadzawa

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I was in the kitchen on the floor sobbing. I had dropped a glass while I was trying to get water. It was the middle of the night. While the noise was earth shattering to me I don't think anyone else heard it. I brok it and it spread across the room. If I had done this at home I would have been hit. No one was here so I couldn't be hit, but just the thought of my mother terrified me. I heard someone walk onto the kitchen and moved into a corner.  "Bakugou? Why are you on the floor? Did something happen?" I moved myself further into the corner.  "Don't. Don't. Don't hurt me please." He crouched down, looking at me. He moves his hand towards me. "No! Don't- Don't touch me!" I screamed flinching away from his touch. My breathing was quick and shallow. I was trembling uncontrollably in fear. "I won't hurt you," Aizawa said, slowly holding my hand. "You're safe and they aren't going to hurt you again. I'm here now. Trust me, I won't let anybody hurt you." I relaxed a little, tears in my eyes. I let out a breath. "I-" He stopped me. "It's ok kid." He pulled me into a hug and I didn't pull away. "It's ok. I'm here." I sighed, letting myself be comforted by  him. "I-I'm sorry. I br-brkke the glass."  He pulled me closer. "It's ok. You didn't mean to." I just stayed there a while longer. After I calmed down I got up. "I'm sorry Aizawa. I'll clean this up. You can go now. I'm sorry for bothering you." He stood up. "It's ok Bakugou. Go back to bed and I'll clean this up." I listened and left after thanking him.

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