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Sero and I were sitting on my bed, cuddling. He was playing on his phone while I fiddled with the blanket in front of me. I had been regressed since the end of the day and had been spending it with Daddy. The whole day my thoughts had been self depreciating, but I didn't want to tell Daddy. I was afraid that if I relied on him too much I would annoy him and he would leave. My thoughts began screaming at me. I wanted them to stop! I knew I shouldn't but the only way I could stop them was to cut. I pulled Daddys sleeve. "Potty," I told him. "Are you big enough to go alone?" I nodded, getting up and walking to the bathroom. It's against my rules to lock the door, but I needed to. I locked the door, digging through my drawer until I found my blade. I sat on the ground before slicing at my arm.
Sero POV
It had been a while since Denks had went to tha bathroom. I went to the door, knocking before trying to open the door. It was locked, which Denks knew was against the rules when he was little. "Denks! Why's the door locked?" I heard a whimper inside. "Denks? Baby?" I heard rustling inside of the bathroom and some drawers slamming.
Denkis POV
I heard Daddy knock and ask me why the door was locked. It scared me and I whimpered, quietly, hoping he didn't hear me. I think he did when he questioned me. I waddled to the door knowing he would find out no matter what. I opened the door and loocked towards Daddy. His eyes were closed trying to focus on anything he could hear in the bathroom. "Why was the door locked, Denki?" I felt tears well in my eyes, threatening to fall. Daddy opened his eyes and looked at me. He took what he saw in before he realised there was some blood dripping down my arm. "What happened, baby?" He said this worriedly, picking me up. He carried me to the bed before rolling up my sleeve. "Oh baby," he whispered. "Is this why the door was locked?" I nodded, letting the tears fall. He pulled me to his chest. "Why didn't you tell me the bad thoughts were here?" I gripped his shirt tightly. "I didn't want to annoy you and make you leave." He kissed my head, whispering, "You could never annoy me, baby." I began sobbing into his chest. "Baby? What's wrong?" I shook my head in his chest, hoping that it would all go away.
I continued pushing my head into his chest increasing pressure until it started to hurt. "Hey! You don't have to talk about it, okay? But quit pushing so hard your gonna hurt yourself." I quit pushing, but kept my head in his chest. "Hey?" I hummed because I couldn't talk with how hard I was sobbing. "I'm gonna clean up your arms." I nodded letting him pick me up, carrying me to the bathroom. He cleaned and wrapped my arms, kissing each arm as it was bandaged. "Hey Denks, I know you stressed right now, but I need big Denki for a bit, okay?" I nodded, slowly pushing myself out of headspace. I looked at Hanta, expecting him to yell and get mad but he just pulled me close to him. "When you feel that way you need to tell me. Even if you're little. You would never make me run off, okay?" I nodded, starting to cry slightly into his chest. "Don't worry. You're not in trouble. I just want you to know that I've got you." I sobbed into his chest just wanting to curl up and slip again. "Do you want to be little again?" I nodded, humming into his chest. "Okay baby, go ahead." I slipped back, my tears still falling. "It's okay, baby. What do you want to do?" I nuzzle into his chest. "Cuddles?" He chuckled, shaking me slightly. "Of course, baby"

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