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In our world we had tattoos showing us who our soulmate was. I had known who mine was since I had started at U.A. but he would never want me. I was an angry mess. I didn't even like myself why would he. My soulmate, Kirishima, was a bright, happy person, while I was always angry and yelling. I knew he would never want me, my mom had told me that. I was walking to class trying my best to hide my tattoo. When I walked in Dunce face and Kirishima were sitting next to each other, talking about who Kirishima's soulmate could be. I hurried to my seat, hoping that he didn't see the mark. The tattoos were of our soulmates initials in their hair color. I sat down laying my head against my desk until the lesson started. Once the lesson ended Aizawa-sensei went to sleep telling us to do whatever. I saw Kirishima walk towards me. When he was next to my desk he said, "Can we talk in the hallway?" I nodded, getting up and following him to the hall. "What's up, Shitty hair?" I said. "Do you not like me?" My eyes shot up towards him. "What?" He sighed, "I know your my soulmate and I know you know too. Do you just not want to be with me?" I shook my head, feeling tears in my eyes. "I don't want you to feel like you h-have to be with me. I know you don't w-want m-me." He stepped closer and I flinched away thinking I had made him angry. I saw his hand move up and I braced for the sting of a slap until I felt his warm hand cup my face. "Oh, Bakugou. Of course I want you. Your amazing." I glanced up at him looking back down at my hands, which were pulling on the bottom of my shirt. "You don't have t-to lie. I'm loud and annoying." He pulled my face up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Do I look like I'm lying when I say I want you?" I shook my head trying to look back down, but not being able to because he was still holding my face. "I love you, okay baby?" I blushed at the nickname, nodding. He used his thumbs to wipe my tears. "Better?" I nodded again. The day was almost over so Kiri and I grabbed our stuff from the class, heading to the dorms. I gave him some clothes to change into before he went to the bathroom to change. I started changing in my room. I had just gotten my pants on when I heard the bathroom door open and Kiri gasp. I wondered why he'd gasped until I remembered the fresh cuts along my arms. I tried to cover them up but failed, realizing Kiri had already made his way over to me. He had grabbed my hands. I was to focused on trying to hide them to realize he had gotten to me. I looked down quickly so I wouldn't see his anger and disappointment. "Hey baby?" I held back sobs before whispering, "I'm sorry." He pulled me to his chest, one hand playing with my hair and the other running along my back. "Why are you sorry baby?" I wrapped my arms around his torso squeezing, trying to hold back my tears. "I-i dis-disapointed you." He kissed my forehead, "You didn't disappoint me. I'm just sad I couldn't help. Your not in trouble for this either. It was a comfort for you but I'm here now." He pulled me to the bed, never letting go of me. He sat down with me in his lap. "I'm sorry," I whispered again. He moved me back to look me in the eyes. "Why?" I took a deep breath. "I made you sad. I'm not supposed to make you sad. That makes me a bad soulmate. If I'm a bad soulmate you won't want me." My breathing had started picking up and my words became rushed. "Hey. Hey baby, you aren't a bad soulmate. It's not you fault I'm sad. And I would never not want you. You'll never have to worry about that." I looked down. "You don't have to pretend," I whispered, not sure if I wanted him to hear or not. "Hey," he said, forcefully, making me flinch away. "I am not pretending, okay?" I nodded. "Why would you think I'm pretending?" He said quietly. "I'm not..good. I'm loud and-and obnoxious. I yell all the time and I'm mean. No one word want me. Everyone knows that no one wants a fuck up." I was starting to get overwhelmed. It was so much. He told me he loved me, he wouldn't love me. I'm broken...right? "Baby, can you look at me." I nodded, even though I didn't want him to see my disgusting face I didn't want to make him more mad. "You are good. I love that your loud, it means you want to be seen. And you aren't mean you just say what your thinking." I shook my head, confusing him. "What do you mean?" More tears came out. "I don't think that. I-i just don't want people to think I'm weak." He kissed my nose whispering, "You aren't weak, baby. And youare most definitely not a fuck up. Who made you think that?" My breathing picked up. I can't tell him. He won't believe me. He'll think I'm weak for not standing up to my mother. I-i can't breathe. Why can't I breath? Am I dying? Would it be a bad thing if I died? I should just die. I don't want to be a bad soulmate. My thoughts continued racing like this, I couldn't focus on anything. I suddenly felt my head against something strong and warm and figured out it was Kiri's chest when I heard his heartbeat. "Hey baby. It's okay. You don't have to tell me right now, okay. Calm down. You're okay. Focus on my heart and follow my breathing. Just breath." I tried to do what he told me, but I couldn't. "I-i ca-can't" He pressed his lips to my head. "Yes you can baby, just keep trying." After a few minutes my breathing had become a rhythm. "Better?" I nodded, feeling tired. I yawned, turning my face into his chest. "You tired, baby?" I nodded again, feeling him lay down with my head still on his chest. He moved one of his hands to the back of my head again, playing with my hair and rubbing my back. "It's okay. You can go to sleep now. I've got you." I shook my head not wanting him to leave after I fell asleep. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "I don't want you to leave after I go to sleep." He kissed my forehead, chuckling. "I won't, baby. I'll be right here when you wake up." I let myself fall asleep, trusting he would be there.

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