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    Why was I made so wrong? I’m a monster. I was made to hurt others. The only unique thing about me is horrible. I couldn’t quit thinking about how disgusting I am. I know my girlfriend, Ururaka, says that I’m not, but how can she say that when I just hurt people. I was cutting my arms again. It was the only thing I could do to atton for what I had done, I would just get rid of the problem but I couldn’t hurt Ocha like that. I heard a knock on the door and I realized I had lost track of time and Ochako was here. I quickly rolled down my sleeves to hid the damage before opening the door. As soon as she saw me she pulled me into a tight hug and I slightly winced but she didn’t notice. She pulled me into the house and to the couch, sitting us down my head against her lap. She started running her hand through my hair and I hummed in approval. “Hi hun,” she said, quietly. “Hi,” I said as I rolled so that my face was buried in her stomach. “Hey hun?” I hummed. “Why is there blood on your sleeve?” I shot up to check if it was true. I found blood on my sleeve and running down my arm. “Hun? Did you do it again?” I nodded looking down as tears welled in my eyes. I was now sitting up and my back was to her. “Hey hun look at me please.” I turned to look at her not wanting her to be any more mad at me than she probably already was. She cupped my face in her hands wiping my tears. “I’m not angry at you. I just want you to be okay. I know you feel like you need to be punished for your quirk, but its not your fault. You didn’t ask for your quirk. Now, did you clean them up?” I shook my head and she looked at me sadly. She pulled me up, dragging me to the bathroom. “Sit down, hun. I’m gonna clean them up for you.” I sat down on the toilet seat while she grabbed the bandages and prepared to clean my arms. She began wrapping my arms and whispering assurances. “You’re doing so good baby,” “I love you hun.” She quickly finished the job and pulled me so my head was against her chest and I was hearing her heartbeat. “I love you hun. You don’t deserve this okay? You’re so good and caring.” I nodded my head to tired to fight or do anything. She stood up pulling me with her back to the living room. She laid down with her arms open for me to lay in. I laid down on her chest again and she wrapped her arms around me. I’m so tired. I don’t want to do this anymore. I deserve to die. “Himiko!” My head shot up at the sound of my name. “Don’t think like that baby. You are so amazing. I know you’re tired but please don’t leave me.” Had I said that aloud? I must’ve. “I-I’m sorry. God, you deserve so much better than me. Why do you even want to stay with me? I’m a monster.” She moved so my face was towards her and she kissed my forehead. “You aren’t a monster. You are perfect just the way you are. I love you, Himiko. You don’t have to apologize either. You are doing the best you can.” She laid me back against her chest, rubbing my back soothingly while playing with my hair. I yawned and I felt her chuckle. “Are you tired baby?” I nodded, letting myself slowly fall asleep, knowing that everything would be okay.

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