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"I'm so tired. Family, work, friends. So much is expected of me with so little time to do it. I need to save people, I need to be there for my kids, I need to be there for my friends. I just want to rest. I'm so sorry, Hizashi." I signed my note, laying it on my husband's pillow before walking out the door for the last time. I stop and look up when I see my old middle school, long abandoned since I was there last. I use my scarf to swing myself over the fence with the help of a light pole, landing on my feet. I walk to the building side, where a ladder is located leading to the final place that will see me alive. My feet land on the cement of the buildings roof before I swing them both over the edge, sitting on the raised side. "I'm so sorry, Hizashi," I whisper into the air, "I'm just so tired." Tears begin a slow path down my face as I look at the sky. "It's okay, Sho. You don't have to be sorry." I turn around seeing Hizashi with his hair down, slowly walking towards me. "Please just come here, Shota. We can figure it all out but for that to happen I need to to come here. I can't do this without you." I stand up, looking at him with wide eyes. "How did you find me?" He chuckled sadly, "It's not the first time I found you here, Shota. Please, come on. Eri is waiting for her dad to read her a bedtime story." I chuckle. "You're too loud, she says." He walks over to me, hugging me. "Please talk to me next time you feel like this. I don't want to be to late."

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