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    My boyfriends, Sho and Kachaan, were at work today, but it was my day off. I had started out the day cleaning the house, but the deafening silence was too much. My brain started to run off and my thoughts became self deprecating. I ran to the bathroom, the one place I could always be alone. My hands gripped my hair, pulling tighter as the thoughts got worse. I couldn’t take it anymore and called my boyfriends. I had begun having a panic attack, my breathing quickening and becoming uneven. I pressed the call button and Sho immediately picked up. He and Kachaan were on patrol together. “Hey Izu, what’s up?” I couldn’t answer I just kept breathing until I dropped my phone to the ground. I heard yelling on the other end of the phone, but couldn’t make out any of the words except, “We’re coming!” I continued to sit on the bathroom floor, tugging harshly on my hair. After a few minutes I heard the front door slam open and Kachaan yell, “Izuku! Where are you?” I still couldn’t respond so I tried my best to hit the ground loud enough they could hear where I was. I heard footsteps quickly ascend the stairs to the bathroom door. The door quickly opened and I saw Sho and Kachaan looking at me, eyes wide with worry. As soon as they saw me their eyes softened and they slowly walked towards me. “Hey, baby? Can I touch you?” Sho said quietly. I nodded my head, it took so much energy to even do that. I felt Sho pull me into his lap as Kachaan began rubbing soothing patterns into my back. “Kitten, can you focus on my breathing? Try to follow it.” I nodded again before laying my head against his chest, listening to the soft pattern of his heart. After a few minutes my breathing had started to become more even. At some point during my breakdown I had started to cry and the tears had made faint lines on Sho’s hero costume. “Oh, Sho! I’m sorry I made a mess of your costume!” He kissed my forehead, saying into my hair,” It’s okay, it’ll wash. Can you tell us why you were panicking?”I nodded laying my head onto his shoulder, nearly in the crook of his neck. “It was so quiet. I couldn’t hear anything except my thoughts and they started to hurt. Telling me I was unlovable and that I’m a burden to you.” Kachaan piped in saying, “You’re never a burden and we love you so much. I know it’s hard sometimes to not listen to those thoughts but I know you can.” Sho whispered, “And we are so proud of you for calling us. It shows that you’re asking for help.” i continued to lay in Sho’s arms, Kachaans hand still rubbing my back. After a few minutes of us sitting there I yawned loudly. “Are you tired, baby?” Kachaan said quietly. I nodded turning my head into Sho’s shoulder. I felt Sho stand up and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He began walking in the direction of our room. He set me down gently on the bed, before he and Kachaan went to get changed. They soon came back, in sweat pants and t-shirts and laid next to me. They wrapped their arms around me, holding me close to them. I whispered a small, “thank you,” before drifting into a calm sleep.

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