Serokami Pt. 2

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It was a few days later and Denki was having trouble with his thoughts again. He was also regressed with Sero sitting behind him.
Kamis POV
The bad thoughts were back again. I just wanted to make them go away, but Daddy said that I needed to tell him when they were back. I felt tears in my eyes afraid again that I would make him leave. I know he told me he wouldn't, but I'd been told that before and it'd been a lie. I turned around, pulling on his shirt sleeve. "Yes, baby?" He looked at me, noticing the tears in my eyes. "Whats wrong?" I looked down clanching my fists. "T-the bad thoughts." He lifted my chin. "Is your brain being mean to you, baby?" I nodded trying to hold back my sobs, failing. Daddy pulled me to his chest. "Oh, baby. I am so, so proud of you!" I looked at him confused. "W-why?" He smiled at me saying, "You told me you were feeling bad. That's so good, baby! Do you want to tell me what your brain is saying?" I hiccups before whispering, "They-they said that I was bad baby and that I don't de-deserve you. They keep saying you don't want me." He kissed my head. "Oh baby, you aren't a bad baby, and I don't deserve you. I want you so, so much baby." He lifted my head up, making me look at him. He kissed my nose, making me giggle, saying, "Let's watch some Pokémon. Would that make you feel better?" I nodded turning around to look at the T.V., leaning against Daddy's chest. He turned the show on and I watched on amazement, holding his hands and pointing when I saw a Pokémon I liked.

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