Deku feat. Dadzawa

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"Hey problem child. Stay after class I need to talk to you." Izuku froze turning around to look at his teacher. "Of course Sensei." The bell rang and everyone except Izuku left. He made his way to Aizawa's desk, bowing slightly. "What did you need Sensei?" Aizawa got up moving to lean against the front of his desk. "Problme child, I've been noticing that you are extremely reckless during battle. Caring little for your own safety." Izuku looked up at him smiling. "Oh! Was that all sir?" Aizawa nodded and Izuku continued. "Well honestly I thought that I would be dead by now." Aizawas head shit up at that. "And what do you mean by that?" "I meann that I thought I would've taken a swan dive off the roof like Kachaan suggested. It's fine though. I'm finally good enough but if I care about what happens to me during battle I'll be useless all over again." Izuku was slowly crying, smiling as if nothing was wrong. "Kid that isn't true. And what do you mean Bakugou told you to jump off a roof? That's not fine." He placed his hands on Izukus shoulder. "But it is sir. It's fine. I'm still here so it's fine." He began laughing. "See I'm fine." Aizawa tightened his grip, making Aizawa look into his eyes. "Kid it isn't fine. You shouldn't be so reckless with your life. What if you die in battle and there's no one there to help. Then what?" Izukus eyes widened. "I-I never thought about that. But it's fine. Someone else would show up. It's fine if I die." Aizawas eyes looked sad, surprising Izuku. "It isn't Kid. Our job is dangerous but that doesn't mean that you try to die in battle. Kid you don't deserve all the pain you're going through. Okay kid?" Izuku nodded, nit wanting to argue or let Aizawa know about anything else. "Good. Now head to class Problem Child. Just tell Mic I kept you."

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