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I sat at my desk in front if a pile of papers that I needed to complete. Most of then weren't due for another week, but what type of hero would I be if I put all my work off until the last minute. I worked on the assignments trying to complete all of them quickly. After 3 pages I was already exhausted. I had been doing huge piles of homework every evening, then helping my classmates with theirs. It was starting to really tire me out. I continued doing my work until I saw small dark dots on the paper. I realised that I had started crying. My mind began to yell at me. Telling me not to stop working, that I can't stop or I'm useless. The tears began to fall faster my breathing with it. I began clawing at my hair, trying to rip the thoughts from my head. I heard a knock on my door and my boyfriend, Katsuki, say "Hey Ten, you in there?" He knocked again before opening the door. "I know you're in here I can hear you." When he opened the door and saw me he rushed over. "Hey baby? Can I touch you?" I nodded when I had gathered the strength to. He lightly pulled me into his lap, pulling my hands from my hair, before holding my head to his chest. He rocked us slowly. "Hey Ten, can you follow my breathing?" I kept my head against his chest, breathing as he did until my breath wasn't as erratic. Katsuki moved his head slightly, so he could see my face. He took one of his hands that was wrapped around me and wiped my face of tears. "Can you tell me what happened, baby?" I inhaled deeply. "I-I had so much work. It was too much. I n-need to get it all done or else I'm worthless!" He looked at me worriedly. "Oh baby. You are not worthless. Even if you never do you work I would still love you. If the only worth you can see in yourself is work then know that you are amazing in my eyes." He lightly pushed my chin up to look at him. "Let's go take a break. You probably should sleep too. When was the last time you slept?" I shrugged my should. "Or ate?" I shrugged again. He pulled me tighter before saying, "We're gonna get some food in you, then you're taking a nap." I was about to argue and say I still needed to work, but Kat interrupted me. "You can't work so much you forget about your needs." I just sighed letting him pick me up, placing me on my bed. "Now stay here. I'll be right back, I'm gonna get you some ramen." I nodded laying down. He kissed me on the forehead before leaving. A few minutes later he can back with a tray of ramen, water, and some fruit. I thanked him before starting to eat. At some point he had moved onto the bed sitting behind me. We were sat so I was leaning on him while eating. His arms were wrapped around my waist, rubbing circles on my stomach. After I finished I pushed to tray away slightly, curling into Kat. He lightly kissed my hair, whispering "You did so good, baby." He moved to tray to the desk trying to not disturb me. He pulled me so I was completely on top of him, my head laying against his chest. He slowly began to move his hand along my back while lightly scratching my head and playing with my hair. After a few minutes of this I began to drift asleep hearing him whisper, "I love you, Ten."

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