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“Hey baby. Can I have that?” I heard Katsuki whisper quietly to me. I shook my head, I can’t give it to him. If I do he’ll be mad at me. I did something wrong, he’ll hate me. If I hand it over that means he knows. He isn’t allowed to know. “Okay baby. Then can you put it down? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” I know he doesn’t but I need to. If I can’t handle this then I’m weak. If I’m weak I can’t be a hero. I slowly put it down, far enough away that he couldn’t take it from me. “Good job baby. Can I hold you?” He’s so gentle with me. I don’t blame him though, he probably thinks I’m weak. That if he isn’t I’ll break. I nodded moving closer to him. He smiled slightly, pulling me into his lap. “Can you tell me what happened Kiri? I want to help. I’m not mad baby.” If I tell him he’ll think I’m weak. I’m not supposed to get scared from yelling. I’m a hero, heroes aren’t scared. I shook my head, whispering, “I’m sorry.” He kissed my head, rubbing my back. “It’s ok baby. Remember breath.” I took a deep breath, his motions helping circulate the air. “Good job baby. Can I do anything?” I shook my head. He’s here and thats more than enough. I don’t think he wants to be here. “You don’t have to be here. I don’t want you to think I’m weak.” He shook his head, looking at me sternly. “You aren’t weak. You are so strong. You take care of everyone and you work so hard. You are the strongest person I know, baby.” I turned, hiding my face in his chest. I’m not strong. I’m crying, that’s weak. I’m breaking rules, that’s weak. He’s going to hate me. Like everyone else. “Please,” I whispered. He ran his hand through my hair. “Please what baby? What can I do?” I wrapped my arms around his torso, sobbing. “Please don’t hate me.” If he did I would be alone. I wouldn’t be able to be alone. I wouldn’t be able to stand it. “I would never Kiri. I love you so much. You never have to worry about me hating you.” I nodded, feeling him start to rock me. “You are so amazing and strong Kiri. It’s all ok.”

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