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God dammit! I'm so stupid. We had a test today. It was supposed to be the easiest one of the year but I failed it miserably. Why was I so stupid. I had studied and done everything I could but i still fucked it up. I was now in my room on the floor. After the test school was over and I rushed to my room. I had tried to make it to my bed, further from the door, before my sobs over took my body but failed. Why does Bakugou want me? He's a genius and super powerful, while I'm just a joke for my class. I continued sobbing on the floor of my dorm when I heard a knock on my door. "Denki? Hey sweetheart let me in please." I wiped my face but couldn't stop my crying and my voice wavered as I called out. "H-hey Katsuki." What could I say? Should I let him in or tell him to leave? Before I could continue Katsuki spoke again. "I'm coming in sweetie." He opened the door seeing me still on the floor. He walked up to me, pulling me into his embrace. "Denks? What's wrong?" I swallowed and said, voice still wavering, "I'm fine." He slightly kissed my head before saying, "No sweetheart, you're not." I curled into myself. God I'm so stupid. I'm probably annoying Katsuki like usual. "I-It's okay. You don't have to worry about m-me. You should probably go. I-I bet you want to go hang out with the squad." He squeezed me lightly before reassuring me. "Denki, sweetheart, you're my top priority. Of course I'm going to worry about you. And I won't be leaving. Now tell me whats wrong, because it's obviously not ok if your like this." He gently wiped my tears. "I-I'm sorry. I'm so stupid. I go and fail the test and then I annoy you and make you listen to me whine like a cry baby." He interrupted me there. "You are not stupid. And who made you think your annoying me?" I tap my head, showing him my head was. "Denki you aren't annoying me or making me listen to you. I chose to be here. You aren't whining either. Your telling me what's wrong." He turned my face towards him as he finished. "You, Denki Kaminari, are the smartest person I know. Okay?" I nodded to him. "Kat?" He hummed in reply. "Why would you want me? I mean you have your pick of who you could date, bit you chose me. Why?" He chuckled, "Who else would I pick? You're perfect." I blushed turning my head into his chest. He lifted me up and brought me the rest of the way to the bed. "Sweetheart?" I hummed, urging him to continue. "Did you do anything bad before I got here?" I shook my head. I knew he worried that I would relapse and cut again, like I had when we had first started dating. But since he started helping me I haven't cut. "Good sweetheart. I love you." I leaned up, pecking him on the lips. "I love you too."

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