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"God you never quit talking, do you?" My rant got cut off by my boyfriend. "Oh. Sorry." Idiot. Why'd you annoy him. We continued hanging out for a few more hours but I kept my responses short. *Time Skip* I sat down in class next to Mina before the bell rang as she began talking to me. "You good, Kiri? You've been super quiet the last few days. "Yeah, I'm good! Just don't want to talk to much." She looked at me confused. "You don't talk to much." I shrugged and chuckled. She continued talking. *Time Skip* "Hey Kat!" He grunted slightly in response. Why are you this stupid Eijiro! You need to quit annoying him. I zoned back into the world and realized that Katsuki was looking at me. "Oh sorry! What'd you say? I kinda zoned out." His eyes scanned me before returning to my face. "What's wrong?" He asked. I laughed slightly. "What do you mean? Nothings wrong." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Yeah and pigs fly. You've been quiet and barely talked the whole week. What's going on?"  I shrugged a bit, answering. "I don't want to annoy you too much. So I quit being annoying." Katsuki's eyes widened. "How were you annoying? I love hearing you talk." I shook my head. "I talked to much. 'I never quit talking, do I?' Obviously that has to be annoying." Katsuki held my face in his hands. "You are not annoying. I love hearing you talk about the things you love. You should be able to talk about whatever you want to me. You don't have to censor yourself to try and make me happy."

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