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Everything's falling apart. My dimension is dying and I can't do anything about it. I'm useless. I'm a useless spiderman. Everyone needs help but I can't help them. A portal opens on my room and I quickly wipe my tears, not wanting anyone to see how weak I am. Hobie and Miles walk out smiling. "Hey Pav! Thought we could do an impromptu date night. How's that sound?" I nodded and smiled, trying to hide that I had just been sobbing. Hobie walked over to me and cupped my face. "Pav, what's wrong?" I shook my head, smiling, "nothing. I'm fine!" I smiled, hoping he believes me and Miles sits behind me. "Pav it's okay if you're not. A lot is going on. We're here for you." I hold back more tears that come to my eyes. "I don't wanna be weak. I need to be strong. I'm spiderman." Hobie brushes my hair back with his hand. "I know love. And I know you feel like you can't ask for help or else your weak but you aren't. Asking for help is one of the strongest things you could do. When Miles was having trouble did we think he was weak for asking us for help? Or when I was dealing with my band? Did you and Miles think I was weak?" I shook my head. He smiles at me, "then why would you be weak for needing some support?" My tears finally begin falling and I sob. Hobie wraps his arms around me and Miles does the same from the back. "We've got you Pav. You don't have to deal with it all alone." I grip tightly onto them. "My universe. Everything. It's falling apart. I can't do anything about it. I need to be stronger. They all need me but I can't do anything." Hobie holds my head to his shoulder. "You are so so strong Pavitr. You can't do everything at once. The other spiders are fixing your universe. You just focus on helping yourself and then you can help others." I sob into his shoulder, trying to get control over my tears. "I'm scared." Miles tightens his grip a bit. "We know Pav. But we're here to help. You send us a hologram or whatever whenever you need and we'll be right here. I don't care if I'm in class, I'll be there." I finally calm my tears and I turn my head. "You guys are the best boyfriends I could ever ask for." They both smile. "So are you."

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