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I laid my head against the rim of the bathtub, closing my eyes and feeling as the blood slowly left my arm. The calm and quiet my brain finally allowed me overtook me. *Knock knock* The bathroom door shook slightly. "Nei? What's taking so long?" My heart stuttered as I rushed to get up and wrap my arm. "No-nothing! I'll be out in a minute!" I quickly grabbed the bandage, wrapping it around my arm before walking out. "Sorry about that." Hitoshi nodded, quickly walking into the bathroom himself. I made my way to the bedroom, seeing Denki on the bed. I layed down next to him, cuddling onto his arm. "Hey Nei. Whats up?" I shrugged, "Nothing." I heard footsteps run down the hall before the door opened again to show Hitoshi. "Nei, why was there blood all over the bathroom?" My eyes widened and I tried to think of an excuse but I gasped as my sleeves were pulled up by Denki. "Nei, please tell me its not what I think it is." I shook my head, looking down as he began gently unwrapping my arm. "Oh baby. Why?" I shrugged. "It gets my mind to finally quit. And it's not like I don't deserve it. I'm so mean to everyone, most people would be happy I was gone." Hitoshi shook his head as he sat next to my legs. "We wouldn't. We love you so much and you deserve the world; not this. We can help you quiet you mind but please let us help." I turned my head into Denki's arm. "I don't want to bother you." Denki ran his hand through my hair, "You would never be a bother. We want to help. We don't want you hurting like this." Tears began falling from my eyes, having been building up since Hitoshi entered the room. "We love you so much, Neito. Let us show you." I nodded and Hitoshi smiled at me as Denki pressed a kiss to my head. "Well, lets start with cleaning up your arm."

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