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"Goddamnit Deku! You can just go running in like that! You're gonna get hurt!" Kachaan yelled at my, carefully wrapping bandages around my new wounds. I looked to Kiri for any help but he shook his head. "He's right Izu. You keep running in like that badthings are gonna happen. We won't always be there to help." I looked down frowning. "But what else was I supposed to do? Just let them get hurt?" Kiri shook his head, kissing mine when I winced at Kachaan tightening the bandage. "Of course not but you need to think before you go running in. We care about you so much. We don't want you to get hurt. We don't want to lose you." I nodded, putting my hands together in my lap as he finished. "I'm sorry. I just can't sit back and do nothing." Dammit. I'm hurting them and making them worry. Tears slowly began falling down my face. Kachaan carefully cupped my cheek. "Hey. Where's that little smile I love so much?" I shrugged. He frowned for a moment before smirking. "Well I know how to find it." He pulls my face to his planting soft kisses all of my face. I giggled, the kisses tickling me. "S-stop! It t-tickles!" He pulled away smiling at me. "There we go." Kiri hopped over the side of the couch behind Kachaan. He pulled him back so he was laying in his lap and I layed on Kachaans chest. Kiri played with Kachaans soft spikes as he ran his hand along my back. "We love you Izuku and we don't want to lose you. You have to think before you go running in. Can you do that please? For us?" I nodded and we cuddled together just enjoying eachothers company.

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