Bakudeku (Rewrite)

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“-then after Todoroki used his ice-” I was cut off by Kachaan growling. “Why are you telling me all this nerd? I don’t go telling you every detail of my day!” I looked down, holding the tears I felt budding in my eyes back. “I-I’m sorry Kachaan. I’ll go. Sorry.” Great going Deku! You annoyed him again. You could have just shut up and did your work but no. I quickly got to my room closing the door quickly before anyone could see the tears coming from my eyes. I can deal with my own problems. I did before I got with Kachaan and I can now too. I made my way to the bathroom, grabbing my last razor that I had hidden from him. I knew he would get annoyed with me eventually. I sat on the floor making lines along my arm until dinner. *Time Skip* It had been about a week since me and Kachaan did our study session and I had talked about my day. Now whenever we saw eachother we would just have small talk. Every time we did I retreated to my room when we were done and made more lines across my arm. All I do is annoy him anymore. Why does he stay with me? If I hadn’t been such a nuisance this wouldn’t be happening. I finished wrapping my arms before I heard a knock on my door. I went to open it and saw Kachaan. “Hey. You wanna watch a movie? We haven’t really hung out in a while.” I smiled and nodded, letting him come in. “What do you wanna watch Kachaan?” He shrugged and I just turned on the first movie I found. We both layed down on the bed, Kachaan wrapping his arms around me. After awhile I fell asleep in his hold. When I woke up my sleeves were bunched up at my elbows and Kachaan was sitting beside me waiting for me to wake up. “Izuku. Why are your arms wrapped up?” I sat up, pulling my sleeves down. “It’s fine Kachaan. I’m dealing with my problems. I’m trying not to burden anyone.” He pulled me onto his lap, holding me tightly. “I told you to always come to me if you felt like this. Why didn’t you?” I pulled back smiling at him. “It’s fine Kachaan. I didn’t want to annoy you anymore. I can deal with my own problems.” I can’t let him worry, then he’ll just have more problems. If I cause him problems he won’t want me. “What are you talking about Izu? What do you mean ‘annoy me anymore’?” I looked at him. “You have your own problems. I don’t need to add to them. You don’t go telling me every detail of your day I don’t need to either.” I held my breath when I said that remembering all the feelings I felt when he said that to me. “Is this because of a week ago? Did I cause this?” I shrugged. “It’s fine Kachaan. I was the one who annoyed you. You didn’t do anything wrong. I knew I would annoy you eventually. I’m just happy you didn’t leave me. Are you going to leave me?” My eyes widened when I realised. Why would he want to hang out with me after a week of barely even talking to me? He’s here to leave me. “It’s fine. I can deal with it. If you want to leave me you can. It’s my fault anyways.” He stopped me quickly. “I’m not leaving you. I love you Izuku Midoryia. If you want to tell me about your day you can. I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you for it. I am so so sorry. Please don’t let me hurt you. I want to help you everyway I can. Please tell me when you feel like you need to do this.” I shook my head. “No. I’m not going to annoy you anymore. I can deal with my own problems. Even if you’re my boyfriend I shouldn’t be a nuisance to you.” He shook his head, hugging me. “You don’t bother me or annoy me or are a nuisance to me. I asked you to tell me when you feel like this and I am so sorry I caused it. I need you to tell me when you feel like this.” Tears began falling from my eyes as I shook my head. “You didn’t do anything. I did something. I annoyed you. I cut. I made you worried. Please just let me do this. Then I can deal with my problems without annoying you. You can act like you never saw the bandages and we can go back to how we were. Happy together. I won’t annoy you anymore.” He wiped the tears from my cheeks, careful not to irritate my skin. “I can’t do that Izu. I can’t forget this. I love you and I don’t want you hurting. You weren’t annoying me. I just had a bad day. Don’t you remember all those times I helped you when you felt like this before? Didn’t that make you feel better?” I nodded. “Then why do you think I wouldn’t want to help? Wouldn’t want to make you feel better? I was happy to do it then and I still am now.” I held myself tightly, trying to keep myself from bursting into tears. “I’m supposed to be better now. People who are better don’t need help with their problems. I can do it. You didn’t tell me when you had a bad day and you rarely do. I tell you all the time because I have them all the time. I can’t annoy you anymore. You don’t have to be worried. This is how I deal with my problems. I can do this. I won’t bother you anymore. Okay?” He shook his head. “Why can’t you see I’m worried about you? That I care so much? All I want is for you not to hurt anymore. If I could take all of your pain away I would. But I can’t so I’m going to help make it so that it doesn’t hurt so bad.” I nodded, giving up. I just won’t tell him. He’ll think I’m ok and it’ll be fine. “Izuku I know you’re lying. I need you to tell me. Okay?” I shrugged. “I just don’t want you to hate me. Then I’ll be alone.” He held me tightly, kissing the top of my head. “I will never leave you alone.”

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