Momojirou Age Regression

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I knock on the door of Jirou's room quietly, "Kyoka, honey? You in there?" I gently yell through the door. I haven't seen her for days outside of class and even then she's avoiding me. I don't know what's going on but I don't want to lose her. "Go away!" I hear her yell through the door, her voice sounding small and childish. "Kyoka, please let me in. It's all okay." I hear a faint whining sound through the door and my worry grows. I try to open the door and find it unlocked, thankfully. Kyoka sits on her bed, curled under a blanket and holding a stuffed mouse tightly. "Kyoka, honey, what's going on?" She looks at me with wide eyes. "Go away. It's embarrasing." Her voice slurs again. "I'm not going anywhere, honey." I sit on the bed. "What's going on?" She looks away from me and clings tighter to her stuffed toy. "I'm small." I look at her, confused. "Small? What does that mean, honey?" She bites on her lip before struggling to speak. "R-regressed." I still don't know what she's talking about but I know that my girlfriend is struggling. "That's okay. Can you tell me what that means?" She shakes her head. "Okay. Can I help?" She shrugs, biting her lip again. I gently pull her lip from her teeth. "Don't do that, honey. It hurts you. What can I do to help?" She reaches her arms out to me, like a child wanting to be held. I pull her into my lap and tuck her head under my chin. "That better, honey?" She nods and he grip loosens slightly on her stuffed mouse. "Good. Can I do anything else to help?" She shakes her head and her thumb slips into her mouth. I start to realise what she meant when she said she felt small. That she felt like a small child. "Honey, are you my little girl right now?" She nods and looks up at me. "Okay?" She slurs around her thumb. I nod, "Of course. Does it make you feel better when you feel small?" She nods. "Then it's all okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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