Todobakudeku (Rewrite)

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I walked around the house, cleaning things quickly before Sho and Kachaan got back. It was quiet as I walked into the kitchen. Why would they ever want to be with someone as boring as you? Why are you burdening them? I shook my head, trying to go back to cleaning but the thoughts wouldn’t leave my head. Why are they with me? Why would they ever want to be with someone as unloveable as me? I quickly made my way to the bathroom. I was safe there. My breathing began to speed as I grabbed my phone. I quickly called Sho, feeling like I was dying, unable to breath. Sho immediatly picked up, but I couldn’t answer. I dropped my phone and heard yelling from the other side of the phone but unable to make out what was said. I few minutes later I heard the door slam open and Kachaan yell, “Izuku! Where are you?” I still couldn’t talk so I hit the ground as hard as I could, hoping they heard it. I heard steps coming quickly up the stairs before I heard the door open. They eyes were wide with worry before softening as they saw me. “Hey baby. Can I hold you?” I nodded, letting Sho pull me into his lap. Kachaan began rubbing my back. “Darling, I need you to focus on my breathing. Just try to follow it.” I nodded, laying my head against his chest, the soft pattern of his heart helping me to calm down. Tears fell down my face, making faint lines on Sho’s costume. “I’m so sorry. I made a mess of your costume!” He kissed my forehead, whispering into my hair, ”It’s okay. It’ll wash. Can you tell us what happened?” I nodded, laying my head onto his shoulder. “It was so quiet. I couldn’t hear anything except my thought but you know me and my worrying brain. It began saying that I was unlovable. Nothing but a burden to you.” Kachaan broke in saying, “You’re never a burden and we love you so much. I know those thoughts are hard to block out but you are so strong. I know you can do it.” Sho leaned his head onto mine, whispering. “We are so proud of you for calling us and asking for help.” I continued laying in their arms until I yawned, loudly. “Tired, baby?” I nodded, turning my head into Sho’s shoulder. I felt him stand up and wrapped myself around him. He began walking, taking us to our room, setting my down gently on the bed before he and Kachaan went to change into more comfortable clothing. They came back before laying next to me, holding me close to them. I whispered a small, “Thank you,” before drifting into a calm sleep.

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