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    Lunch had just finished and I knew I would throw up at any minute. I wouldn’t have eaten had it not been for my girlfriend, kyoka, making me. She had noticed that I barely eaten the past few months. I ran to the bathroom as I felt the bile rise up my throat. I heard someone following me but I was to focused on making it to the bathroom in time. I barely made it and hurled myself over the toilet as the contents of my stomach poured out. I was crying from the pain and the thought that I had disappointed Kyoka. I felt someone come behind me and rubbed my back, holding my hair out of my face. “Shh baby. Just let it all out. It’s okay.” After a few minutes I was left just gagging as everything had left my stomach. Once I was no longer feeling like I was going to throw up I leaned back letting myself fall into the arms behind me. I knew that it was Kyoka behind me. She began rubbing my stomach, trying to sooth the bubbling feeling in my stomach. “I’m s-sorry,” I whispered, feeling disappointed in myself. “You don’t have to be sorry baby. I should’ve known you wouldn’t be ready for so much food at once.” I turned to look at her. “Ho-how did you kn-know?” she kissed my forehead reassuringly. “I noticed that you hadn’t been eating much baby. Why don’t we go to the dorms and cuddle while you tell me whats been going on?” I nodded again before standing up. We walked to the dorms, texting Ururaka to bring our stuff after class. We got to my dorm laying down in the large array of stuffies and squishmellows. She pulled me close so that my head was resting near her heart and began petting my head. “Whats been going on hun?” I took a deep breath readying myself for the coming conversation and the disappointment she would have in me. “I-I’m just so disgusting. Im fat and chunky. I can pull huge pieces of fat and its so disgusting. I can’t do anything right so why do I deserve food?!” I started yelling as I became overwhelmed, telling someone my feelings aloud. “Shh, Shh. Baby none of those things are true. You’re beautiful and you are anything but fat. You do so much and your amazing. You deserve food and even if you didn’t you don’t have to deserve food.” I began crying and pushed myself into her chest. “I-I’m just so tired. I don’t want to deal with this. I’m tired of feeling like I’m not supposed to be here. I just wa-want to die.” I got quieter as I continued. “Baby its okay to feel tired, but your supposed to be here. If you can’t believe that then at least know I want you here. I know it’s hard but please don’t die. You are so, so important to me.” I felt tears fall on my head and realized she was crying. I looked up at her and wiped her tears. “Hey Kyoka. Don’t cry. Don’t worry about me. I’m not worth your worry.” She gasped, “How can I not worry about you. I love you so much and you want to die. You feel like your not needed, but I need you!” I felt a quick kiss to my face before she placed my head back against her chest. “I know that you feel like you aren’t worth it, but you’re worth it for me. Are you tired?” I nodded. “Let’s get some rest then,” she whispered as she kissed my head. I nuzzled into her letting myself get comfortable before drifting to sleep. I knew my problems weren’t solved but we can work through that later. For now I’m going to stay with her.

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