Dekusero (Rewrite)

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I tossed and turned in my bed, wanting nothing more than to sleep but my brain having other thoughts. I began scratching my arms as they felt heavy with the need to hurt them. I stood up, ready to walk to the bathroom before I stopped myself. Hanta wouldn’t want this. He wants me to get better. I paced my room trying to decide what to do before deciding to walk to his room. He told me to go to him if I felt like this, if I needed help, but what if I wake him up and it bothers him? What if he gets mad? Then he’ll leave me. I began scratching my arms again as I continued my path to his room. I stood in front of his door, hesitating before knocking. Would it be better if I leave? Beg for forgiveness later? He needs to sleep. I turn to walk away when I hear the door open. “Izu? What are you doing up?” I turned back to him, seeing how tired his face is. “N-nothing. It’s fine. You should go to bed. You look tired.” His face went from confused to worried as he walked closer to me. “Izu, why’re you lying, bubs?” I shook my head, looking down. “I-I’m not lying. I’m f-fine.” He looked at my arm, it turning red from scratches. “Izu, baby, do you want to hurt yourself?” I continued staring at me feet, not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes. “I-it’s fine Han. I’m fine.” He pulled me into his chest, moving my arms from each other. “Izu. It’s okay. I told you to come get me. Why were you walking away from the door?” My eyes welled up with more tears as I held onto him. “I-I didn’t want to bother you. Or make you mad. If I’m b-bothersome you might l-leave me. I ca-can just go back to my room. We can pretend this never happened. I-it’s fine if I get hurt, as long as I’m not alone.” The tears were pouring down my face as I tried to pull away. “Y-you should go back to sl-sleep. Don’t wor-worry.” He moved his head to kiss the top of mine before pulling away to look at me. “Not happening Izu. I want to help. It’s not okay if you hurt yourself. We can go into my room, lay down, and you tell me what happened. Or if you don’t want to talk about it we can just watch some movies until you fall asleep. You don’t have to worry aout anything except feeling better. Okay bubs?” I nodded slowly, feeling bad about bothering him and keeping him from sleeping. “You d-don’t have to stay awa-awake. You need sl-sleep.” He gently pulled me into his room and onto the bed. “So do you bubs. But if you go back to your room are you going to sleep much?” I shook my head. I’d just end up breaking down like the deku I am. “Then we are both going to get the same amount of sleep. When you go to sleep I’ll go to sleep.” I nodded, resigning to my fate. We layed on the bed and he wrapped his arms around me. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” I shrugged. I wanted him to know but I was worried he would be mad. I don’t want to be alone. If he left me I would be. “I just- I couldn’t sl-sleep. Ev-everything felt wrong. I don’t know what about it was but it was. And my arms felt itchy but not in the w-way scratching helps. I tried scratching it but it didn’t work. I just started breaking down, crying and a-alone. I started breaking down like the deku I am!” He pulled me tighter to him before beginning to speak. “No. You do not get to say those things about yourself. You are perfect just how you are. Don’t let what Bakugou has said before make you feel bad about yourself. Just because you had some problems doesn’t mean that you’re a deku.” I nodded. “I-I’m sorry. You d-don’t need to worry ab-about me. I’m f-fine. If you w-want to sleep you can.” He shook his head behind my, kissing the top of mine. “Bubs I will worry about you no matter what. That’s because I love you. I know you aren’t fine right now but you will be and I will help as much as I can. And right now that means not leaving you alone. You aren’t bothering me. And I would much rather you ‘bother’ me than I not have you anymore. Understand Bubs?” I nodded and repeated his words in my head, trying to make myself believe them. “What’re you thinking about bubs?” I shrugged. I really don’t want him to be worried about me. I don’t deserve his love. “I don’t d-deserve yo-you. You deserve s-so much better than me.” He turned me around then, making me look at him as he sat us up. “You are an amazing person who deserves every good thing that happens to you. You deserve the love I give you. You are the best person I could ever ask for.” I shrugged. I don’t want him to have to deal with my problems. “Wouldn’t you r-rather be with someone who d-doesn’t have so many pr-problems? Someone you d-don’t have to worry about?” He kissed my head before shaking his head. “No matter who I would be with I would be worried about. Your problems make you you. And I love you Izuku.”

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