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I burst into my room with tears in my eyes seeing Pav laying on Hobie's lap. "What's wrong, flower?" I sat down on the bed, leaning onto Hobie's shoulder. "I saw Gwen kissing Miles-42. I thought she loved us Hobes." Pavitr quickly sat up, looking hurt and confused. "What? Are you sure it was her?" I nodded. "She saw me right before I ran here." Hobie looked thoughtful as he wrapped his arm around me. "Does she want to leave us?" Hobie turned to look at us, wiping my tears slightly. "Let's just talk to her, okay? We'll text her to come over and we'll all talk." I nodded and Pav did the same as Hobie pulled out his phone, sending the text. "She'll be here in a few minutes, now wipe those tears. We're gonna be okay, loves." The window slid open as Gwen swung in, lowering her head as she saw the three of us. "Hi, guys." She sat down in my desk chair as the three of us sat on the bed. I took a deep breath before asking the question that had been growing in my head since I saw her with 42. "What were you doing with Miles-42?" She shrugged, wrapping her arms around herself. "We aren't accusing you of nothing, Gwendy. We just want to know what happen so no one gets hurt." She sighed,"I still love you and Pav, Hobie, but I don't love Miles. I thought I could push past knowing that he's an anomaly but I can't. I can't date a mistake." My heart clenched and my fists tightened around my pant legs. I felt tears budding in my eyes, but pushed them back. "What?" I asked, wanting to know what she meant. "We all know it. Miguel told everyone. You're just a mistake. You weren't supposed to exist. You just hurt the people around you. I don't want to date someone like that." Hobie placed his hand on my clenched fist, holding me there. "You should go. I don't hang out with people who are rude, misinformed dingbats." She looked at Pav and he nodded, placing his hand on my other fist. "Fine, but when you get hurt don't say I didn't warn you." She swung out the window and the tears began falling down my face. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Hobes, Pav." Hobie pulled me into his chest and hugged me as Pav moved to place his hand on my back. "What're you apologizing for, love?" "Now she's mad at you because of me. She isn't wrong. I'm a mistake. Maybe you should go with her and be happy with the Miles that isn't a mistake." My fists clenched around themselves, nails making crescent shaped marks in my palms. "I don't believe in being mean to yourself. So obviously you must be wrong, flower." I pulled away from Hobie and Pav, sitting at the end of the bed. "I hurt everyone I'm close to. The first Spiderman, Uncle Aaron. My dad almost died because of me. Whole dimensions are messed up because of me." Hobie just shook his head. "That's all some predetermined stuff. You didn't bring that spider here. None of that is your fault." Pav nodded along, "You couldn't have known all that was going to happen." "But that doesn't change that they happened. And I could have stopped it." Pav leaned over hugging me. "Even if you could've, which you couldn't, something else would have happened. You can't save everyone, Miles." Pav pulled me closer to him until I was in his lap. "I don't want to hurt you. I wouldn't be mad if you still loved her. I just want you to be happy. And hey maybe 42 is cooler than I am." I let out a wet chuckle to try and keep from crying more. "I don't love people who hurt people for no reason. And no one can be cooler than you two." Hobie kissed my head as did Pav and we cuddled the rest of the night.

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