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Kachaan had just left my room after we had been hanging out and study but as soon as he left the thoughts came back. The thoughts that said everyone hated me and I'm a burden. Whenever I'm with Kachaan they're quite but they're screaming at me now. 'Everyone is going to leave you! You worthless burden!' I grabbed my head, curling into myself. 'They're all gonna leave me,' chanted in my head. Suddenly the door opened and Kachaan walked in. "Hey nerd I forgot some of my books here." He looked up and saw me, trying to make myself look normal until he left. "O-oh hey Kachaan. Why d-dont you grab them and be on your way." He may be my boyfriend but that doesn't mean I should bother him more than I already do. He sat next to me, whispering surprisingly calm. "I'm not leaving Izu. What's wrong?" I looked down at my hands, gripping them tightly. "Y-you don't have to s-stay. I don't want to b-bother you." He slowly pulled me into his arms, laying down on the bed. I was placed with my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "You aren't bothering me sweetness. Just tell me whats wrong please and we can fix it." I left my head on his chest, letting him stroke my head. "I-I'm sorry. You c-can leave if you want. I k-know I'm not the b-best boyfriend. I w-wouldnt be mad if y-you left. I j-just want you h-happy. I'm s-sorry I can't d-do that." He kissed the crown of my head, gently. "Shh baby. I'm not leaving. I'm right here. You make me so happy. You are the best boyfriend. Okay? You're a good boy." I nodded. "Good baby. Just relax. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here, with you." I took a deep breath, calming my thoughts. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this," I whispered, feeling a dew small tears fall down my face. "Hey. Don't apologize. We'll beat your demons up like they're villians! No villian will get in our way. Okay?" I nodded again, smiling. "Good. Now first step in beating this villians is rest." I closed my eyes, happy he didn't leave me.

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