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"45.....46.....47......48......49" I hope that would be enough. I'm so tired. I just want to rest. "I love you, Sho." I laid down, holding myself as I fell asleep. *Time Skip* "Kat. Kat, honey. You need to wake up. Please wake up." My eyes blinked open wearily, seeing Sho with tears in his eyes. My eyes widened before I quickly shot up, running to the bathroom. I knelt in front of the toilet as everything I'd eaten came up. Tears ran down my cheeks as I lost everything in me. "Good job, honey. Get it all out. Just let it all out honey." Once everything was out my head fell against the cool porclein. "So good, hun." I was still tired, and lethargic, but kept myself awake. "Sho. I'm so-sorry." His hand gently cupped my cheek, wiping away the tears. "Don't apologize. I'm so sorry. Sorry I didn't see that you were hurting so bad. That you thought this was the only thing you had left to do." I lifted my head, leaning into his hand. "It's not your fault. I tried to hide it." My tears slowed, but they continued falling slowly, collecting on Sho's hand. "Can you talk to me about it? Tell me what made you go so far? It's perfectly fine if you can't, I won't be mad or disappointed." I nodded my head, leaning forward, into him slightly. "I was just so tired. I just want to rest. I love you so, so much. I don't want to leave you but I'm so tired. I'm so sorry." He pulled me closer to him, until I was on his lap, head nestled under his neck. "Shh. You don't have to apologize. You just wanted to rest. I know you were just so tired. I just wish you had come to me sooner. I love you so much and you don't deserve all of the pain the world gave you. I would take it all away for you if I could but I can't. Why don't we go lay down in bed and you can sleep for a while. You look exhausted, love bug." I nodded, sighing before trying to pull myself up. I gasped when I was pulled into his arms. "You rest. I'll carry you. You don't have to worry about anything right now. I'm going to take care of you. And I'm going to try to make it so you don't hurt so bad anymore, so you aren't so tired." I smiled at him, my face being traced with new tear tracks. I went to begin saying something before quickly shoving myself from his arms and making my way back over the toilet. As I emptied more of what little I may have had left in my stomach, my tears turned into sobs. "Oh honey. Just let it out. Doing so well."  My guts finally emptied as I continued dry heaving over the porclein bowl. "Honey, you're doing so well." His fingers ran through my hair. "Lets head to bed now." I nodded my head and I was lifted up again. "I love you so much, Sho." He kissed my head, laying me into the bed. "And I love you. You just go to sleep and I'll pamper you all day tomorrow.

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