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Those goddamn idiots! I claw at my neck trying to get the feeling of their hands off. Turning around I go to punch my door, finding Shinsou instead. My fist connected with his chest before I could stop it and I was pulled into his embrace. He Bagan holding my head to his neck, rubbing my hair and back. "Breath Katsuki. I've got you, love. My arms wrapped around him, gripping tightly to his torso. "T-those damn idiots. They can't touch my n-neck. T-they know this. It isn't my fault. It isn't my fault! I swear!" Shinsou gently began shushing me, whispering into my ear. "I know it isn't, love. They shouldn't have scared you like that but I've got you now. They aren't gonna do that again." My arms tightened around him as I simply laid in his embrace, tears that I hadn't known started wetting his shirt. "Good boy, love. Doing so well. Now we're gonna go lay you down and I'm gonna clean up the scratches, okay?" I nodded as he lead me to the bed, gently guiding me to my stomach before grabbing the first aid kit under the bed. "I'm gonna wipe your neck now, love; just breath." I took a deep breath nodding, feeling the wet sting meet my neck. My eyes watered again from the pain but it quickly ended when he finished. "Bandages now, love. You're doing so well." I continued laying there as I felt the bandages stick to my neck before being pulled back into Shinsou's embrace. "You did so well, Katsuki." I smiled letting myself rest gently in his hold.

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